CDA to FHIR Maps
0.1.0 - ci-build IT

CDA to FHIR Maps - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

StructureMap: CDA to FHIR - PSS

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-04-11 Computable Name: cda2fhirPs
map "" = "cda2fhirPs"

uses "" alias ClinicalDocument as source
uses "" alias AssignedAuthor as queried
uses "" alias AssignedEntity as queried
uses "" alias AssociatedEntity as queried
uses "" alias CustodianOrganization as queried
uses "" alias OrganizationPartOf as queried
uses "" alias rapresentedOrganization as queried
uses "" alias Section as queried
uses "" alias PatientRole as queried
uses "" alias AD as source
uses "" alias Bundle as target
uses "" alias Composition as produced
uses "" alias Patient as produced
uses "" alias Encounter as produced
uses "" alias Patient as produced
uses "" alias List as produced
uses "" alias Practitioner as produced
uses "" alias Organization as produced
uses "" alias Act as produced
uses "" alias IVL_PQ as source
uses "" alias PQ as source
uses "" alias SimpleQuantity as target

imports ""
imports ""

group CdaToBundle(source cda : ClinicalDocument, target bundle : Bundle) {
  cda ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e.resource = create('Composition') as composition, = uuid() as uuid1,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Composition/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Composition',  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as requestPAT,  requestPAT.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Patient') as patient, = uuid() as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Patient/', uuid2),  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e3.resource = create('Encounter') as encounter, = uuid() as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Encounter/', uuid3),  request.url = 'Encounter',  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e4.resource = create('DocumentReference') as DocumentReference, = uuid() as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/DocumentReference/', uuid4),  request.url = 'DocumentReference' then {
    cda then ClinicalDocumentToBundle(cda, patient, composition, encounter, bundle, DocumentReference) "cdatobundle";
    cda.recordTarget as recordTarget then {
      recordTarget.patientRole as patient then { as id -> patient.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext1 -> identifier.value = ext1 "value";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
        } "idfr"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> requestPAT.url = append('Patient?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "ext";
      } "recPat";
    } "patient";
  } "ClinicalDocumentToBody";

group ClinicalDocumentToBundle(source cda : ClinicalDocument, target patient : Patient, target composition : Composition, target encounter : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle, target DocumentReference : DocumentReference) {
  cda -> encounter.status = 'finished' "finished";
  cda -> encounter.class = create('Coding') as coding then {
    cda -> coding.code = 'summary' "code";
  } "coding";
  cda -> = uuid() "id"; -> bundle.identifier "identifier";
  cda -> bundle.type = 'transaction' "type";
  // cda.effectiveTime -> bundle.timestamp;
  cda -> bundle.timestamp = ( "date";
  cda then ClinicalDocumentComposition(cda, composition, patient, encounter, bundle, DocumentReference) "composition";
  cda.component as component then {
    component.structuredBody as body then {
      body.component as component then {
        component.section as srcSection then {
          srcSection.code -> composition.section as tgtSection then ClinicalDocumentSection(cda, srcSection, patient, tgtSection, bundle, encounter, composition);
    } "body";
  } "diagnostic";

group ClinicalDocumentSection(source cda : ClinicalDocument, source src : Section, target patient : Patient, target tgt, target bundle : Bundle, target enc : Encounter, target composition : Composition) {
  src.title as t -> tgt.title = (t.dataString);
  src.code -> tgt.code;
  src.entry as entry then {
    src.text as cdaText -> tgt.text as fhirText then {
      cdaText -> fhirText.status = 'generated' "narrativeStatus";
      cdaText as t -> fhirText.div = t "narrativeText";
    } "cdaText";
    // sezioni che sono strutturate
    src.code where (code = '30954-2') then {
      entry.organizer as organizer ->  bundle.entry as e0,  e0.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e0.resource = create('DiagnosticReport') as dia, = uuid() as uuid0,  e0.fullUrl = append('https://example/DiagnosticReport/', uuid0),  request.url = 'DiagnosticReport',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/DiagnosticReport/' + then DiagnosticReportFunction(organizer, patient, enc, dia, bundle) "diagnostic";
    } "entryObs";
    src.code where (code = '29762-2') or (code = '10162-6') then {
      entry.observation as observation ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('Observation') as obs1, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Observation',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then Observation(observation, patient, enc, obs1, bundle) "obs1";
    } "entryObs";
    src.code where (code = '8716-3') or (code = '47420-5') then {
      entry.organizer as organizer ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e2.resource = create('Observation') as obs2, = uuid() as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid2),  request.url = 'Observation',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then ObservationOrganizer(src, organizer, patient, enc, obs2, bundle) "obs2";
      entry.observation as organizer ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e2.resource = create('Observation') as obs2, = uuid() as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid2),  request.url = 'Observation',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then ObservationOrganizer(src, organizer, patient, enc, obs2, bundle) "obs2";
    } "organizer";
    src.code where code = '11450-4' then {
      entry.act as act ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e3.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Condition/', uuid3),  request.url = 'Condition',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Condition/' + then ConditionFunction(act, condition, patient, enc, bundle) "condition";
    } "listaDeiProblemi";
    src.code where (code = '48765-2') then {
      entry.act as act ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e5.resource = create('AllergyIntolerance') as allergy, = uuid() as uuid5,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/AllergyIntolerance/', uuid5),  request.url = 'AllergyIntolerance',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/AllergyIntolerance/' + then allergyFunction(act, allergy, patient, enc) "allergy";
    } "entryAct";
    src.code where code = '10160-0' then {
      entry.substanceAdministration as subAdmin ->  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6.resource = create('MedicationStatement') as medicationstatement, = uuid() as uuid6,  e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/MedicationStatement/', uuid6),  request.url = 'MedicationStatement',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/MedicationStatement/' + then MedicationStatement(subAdmin, medicationstatement, patient, enc, bundle) "TerapiaFarmacologica";
    } "terapia";
    src.code where code = '11369-6' then {
      entry.substanceAdministration as subVACC ->  bundle.entry as e7,  e7.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e7.resource = create('Immunization') as immunization, = uuid() as uuid7,  e7.fullUrl = append('https://example/Immunization/', uuid7),  request.url = 'Immunization',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Immunization/' + then Immunization(subVACC, patient, enc, immunization, bundle) "immunization";
    } "vacc";
    src.code where code = '10157-6' then {
      entry.organizer as organizer ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e12.resource = create('FamilyMemberHistory') as familyMember, = uuid() as uuid12,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/FamilyMemberHistory/', uuid12),  request.url = 'FamilyMemberHistory',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/FamilyMemberHistory/' + then FamilyMemberFunction(organizer, familyMember, patient) "family";
    } "family";
    src.code where code = '46264-8' then { as supply ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e8.resource = create('Procedure') as procedure, = uuid() as uuid8,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Procedure/', uuid8),  request.url = 'Procedure',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Procedure/' + then Procedure(supply, patient, enc, procedure, bundle) "protesi";
    } "impianti";
    src.code where code = '47519-4' then {
      entry.procedure as procedure ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e9.resource = create('Procedure') as procedure2, = uuid() as uuid9,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Procedure/', uuid9),  request.url = 'Procedure',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Procedure/' + then Procedure(procedure, patient, enc, procedure2, bundle) "tratt";
    } "trattamentiProcedure";
    src.code where code = '46240-8' then {
      // entry.encounter as encounter -> enc then{
      entry.encounter as encounter ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e9.resource = create('Encounter') as encounterF, = uuid() as uuid9,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Encounter/', uuid9),  request.url = 'Encounter',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + then EncounterFunction(encounter, patient, enc, encounterF, bundle);
    } "visiteRicoveri";
    src.code where code = '57827-8' then {
      entry.act as act ->  bundle.entry as e13,  e13.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e13.resource = create('Coverage') as coverage, = uuid() as uuid13,  e13.fullUrl = append('https://example/Coverage/', uuid13),  request.url = 'Coverage',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Coverage/' + then Coverage(act, patient, enc, coverage, bundle) "esen";
    } "esenzioni";
    src.code where code = 'PSSIT99' then {
      entry.act as act ->  bundle.entry as e14,  e14.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e14.resource = create('OrganizationAffiliation') as affiliation, = uuid() as uuid14,  e14.fullUrl = append('https://example/OrganizationAffiliation/', uuid14),  request.url = 'OrganizationAffiliation',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/OrganizationAffiliation/' + then OrganizationAffiliation(act, patient, enc, affiliation, bundle) "OrgAffiliation";
    } "retiPatologia";
  src where src.entry.exists() then {
    src.code where code = '18776-5' then {
      src ->  bundle.entry as e11,  e11.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e11.resource = create('CarePlan') as careplan, = uuid() as uuid11,  e11.fullUrl = append('https://example/CarePlan/', uuid11),  request.url = 'CarePlan',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/CarePlan/' + then {
        src.entry as entry then CarePlanFunction(entry, careplan, patient, enc, bundle) "prestazioni";
      } "pianiCura";
    } "raccoglitore";
  } "esiste";
  src where src.entry.exists().not() then {
    // Anmanesi Familiare narrativa
    src.code where code = '10157-6' then {
      src.text as text ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e12.resource = create('FamilyMemberHistory') as familyMember, = uuid() as uuid12,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/FamilyMemberHistory/', uuid12),  request.url = 'FamilyMemberHistory',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/FamilyMemberHistory/' + then {
        src ->  familyMember.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
        src -> familyMember.status = 'health-unknown' "statusS";
        text -> familyMember.note as note then {
          text as t -> note.text = t "reference";
        } "reference";
        text -> familyMember.relationship = create('CodeableConcept') as relation then {
          text as txt -> relation.text = txt "text";
        } "medication";
      } "family";
    } "familyraccoglitore";
    // Piano di cura narrativa
    src.code where code = '18776-5' then {
      src.text as text ->  bundle.entry as e11,  e11.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e11.resource = create('CarePlan') as careplan, = uuid() as uuid11,  e11.fullUrl = append('https://example/CarePlan/', uuid11),  request.url = 'CarePlan',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/CarePlan/' + then {
        src ->  careplan.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
        // src-> careplan.encounter=create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
        src -> careplan.status = 'active' "status";
        src -> careplan.intent = 'order' "intent";
        text -> careplan.note as note then {
          text as t -> note.text = t "reference";
        } "reference";
      } "pianiCura";
    } "raccoglitore";
    // sezioni che sono narrative
    src.code where (code = '30954-2') or (code = '29762-2') or (code = '8716-3') or (code = '47420-5') or (code = '42348-3') then {
      src.text as text ->  bundle.entry as e13,  e13.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e13.resource = create('Observation') as obs1, = uuid() as uuid13,  e13.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid13),  request.url = 'Observation',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then {
        src ->  obs1.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
        // src -> obs1.encounter=create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
        src -> obs1.status = 'preliminary' "obsst";
        src.code -> obs1.code "obscde";
        src -> obs1.status = 'final' "statusS";
        text -> obs1.note as note then {
          text as t -> note.text = create('string') as textNote then EDstring(t, textNote) "note";
        } "narrative";
      } "txtsec";
    } "narrative";
  } "code";
  src.component as component then {
    component.section as sec -> tgt.section as tgtSection then ClinicalDocumentSection(cda, sec, patient, tgtSection, bundle, enc, dReport);

group Procedure(source src : cdaElement, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target tgt : Procedure, target bundle : Bundle) {
  // toASK
  src.text as tx -> tgt.note as note then {
    tx.reference as reff -> note.text = (reff.value) "r";
  } "tx";
  src.templateId where root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' then {
    src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> tgt.performed = (effectiveTime.value);
    src.code -> tgt.code;
  } "ref";
  src ->  tgt.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  // src -> tgt.encounter=create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  src.statusCode as s then {
    s.code as cos -> tgt.status = translate(cos, '#EventStatus', 'code') "codeS";
  } "status";
  src where statusCode.exists().not() -> tgt.status = 'unknown' "status2";
  src.templateId where root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' then {
    src ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('Device') as deviceRes, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Device',  tgt.usedReference = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + then {
      src ->  deviceRes.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
      src.code -> deviceRes.type;
    } "device";
    src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (value.exists()) -> tgt.performed = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value1";
    src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (low.exists()) -> tgt.performed = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
  } "presenzaProtesiImpianto";
  src.templateId where root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' then {
    src.code as code -> tgt.note as note then {
      code.displayName as displayName -> note.text = (displayName) "text";
    } "note";
  } "assenza";
  src.templateId where root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' then { -> tgt.identifier;
    src.code -> tgt.code;
    src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (value.exists()) -> tgt.performed = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value1";
    src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (low.exists()) -> tgt.performed = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
    src.entryRelationship as entryR then {
      entryR.observation as observation ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e3.resource = create('Observation') as obs1, = uuid() as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid3),  request.url = 'Observation',  tgt.reasonReference = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then Observation(observation, patient, encounter, obs1, bundle);
    } "entryRelProcedure";
  } "procedureTrattamenti";

group Observation(source cda, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target ob : Observation, target bundle : Bundle) {
  cda ->  ob.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  // cda-> ob.encounter=create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference"; -> ob.identifier;
  cda.code -> ob.code;
  cda -> ob.status = 'final' "Stats";
  // value datatype
  cda.value : ST as st ->  ob.value = create('string'),  ob.value = (st.dataString);
  cda.value : BL as boolean -> ob.value = (boolean.value) "boolean";
  cda.value : INT as int -> ob.value = (int.value) "intval";
  cda.value : CE as val then {
    val -> ob.value = create('CodeableConcept') as ce then {
      val.originalText as originalText then {
        originalText.reference as reference -> ce.text = (reference.value);
      val -> ce.coding as coding then {
        val.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        val.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        val.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
      } "code";
      val.translation as translation -> ce.coding as coding then {
        translation.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        translation.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        translation.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
        translation.qualifier as qualifier then {
          qualifier.value as value -> ce.coding as coding then {
            value.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
            value.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
            value.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
    } "coding";
  } "val";
  cda.value : CD as val then {
    val -> ob.value = create('CodeableConcept') as ce then {
      val.originalText as originalText then {
        originalText.reference as reference -> ce.text = (reference.value);
      val -> ce.coding as coding then {
        val.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        val.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        val.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
      } "code";
      val.translation as translation -> ce.coding as coding then {
        translation.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        translation.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        translation.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
        translation.qualifier as qualifier then {
          qualifier.value as value -> ce.coding as coding then {
            value.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
            value.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
            value.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
    } "coding";
  } "val";
  cda.value : PQ as val then {
    val -> ob.value = create('Quantity') as quantity then {
      val.value as value -> quantity.value = value;
      val.unit as unit -> quantity.unit = unit;
    } "quantity";
  } "valueQuantity";
  cda.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (value.exists()) -> ob.effective = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value1";
  cda.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (low.exists()) -> ob.effective = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
  cda.text as text -> ob.note as note then {
    text.reference as reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "text";
  } "note";
  cda.statusCode as s then {
    s.code as cos -> ob.status = translate(cos, '#OBSstatus', 'code') "codeS";
  } "status";
  // toASK è giusto siano invertiti?
  cda.methodCode -> ob.method;
  cda.interpretationCode -> ob.interpretation;
  cda.targetSiteCode -> ob.bodySite;
  // added
  cda.referenceRange as refrange then {
    refrange.observationRange as obsrange then {
      obsrange.value as val -> ob.referenceRange = create('BackboneElement') as refrangeFH then {
        val -> refrangeFH.low = create('SimpleQuantity') as lowfhir then {
          val.low as l -> lowfhir.value = (l.value) "val";
          val.low as l -> lowfhir.unit = (l.unit) "val";
        } "de";
        val -> refrangeFH.high = create('SimpleQuantity') as highfhir then {
          val.high as h -> highfhir.value = (h.value) "val";
          val.high as h -> highfhir.unit = (h.unit) "val";
        } "de";
      } "refFhir";
    } "obsrange";
  } "regrange";

group ObservationOrganizer(source section : section, source cda : organizer, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target ob : Observation, target bundle : Bundle) {
  cda ->  ob.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  // cda-> ob.encounter=create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference"; -> ob.identifier;
  section.code -> ob.code;
  cda -> ob.status = 'final' "Stats";
  cda.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (value.exists()) -> ob.effective = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value1";
  cda.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (low.exists()) -> ob.effective = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
  cda.text as text -> ob.note as note then {
    text.reference as reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "text";
  } "note";
  cda.statusCode as s then {
    s.code as cos -> ob.status = translate(cos, '#OBSstatus', 'code') "codeS";
  } "status";
  cda.component as component then {
    component.observation as observation ->  bundle.entry as ei,  ei.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  ei.resource = create('Observation') as obsi, = uuid() as uuidi,  ei.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuidi),  request.url = 'Observation',  ob.hasMember = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then Observation(observation, patient, encounter, obsi, bundle) "hasMember";

group Coverage(source src : act, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target tgt : Coverage, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src ->  tgt.beneficiary = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  src ->  tgt.payor = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference"; as id -> tgt.identifier as idf then {
    id -> idf.value = (id.root) "ID";
  src.code -> tgt.type;
  src.statusCode as statusCode then {
    statusCode.code as s -> tgt.status = translate(s, '#FinancialStatus', 'code') "status";
  } "sc";
  src where statusCode.exists().not() -> tgt.status = 'active' "statusAbsent";
  // src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> tgt.period as period then{
  src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (value.exists()) -> tgt.period = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value1";
  src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (low.exists()) -> tgt.period = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
  src.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then {
    entryRelationship.act as ac -> tgt.class as class then {
      ac.text as text -> class.type as type then {
        text.reference as reference -> type.text = (reference.value) "value";
      } "ref";
      ac -> class.value = 'commenti' "note";
    } "QUI";
  } "entryr";

group allergyFunction(source src : cdaElement, target tgt : AllergyIntolerance, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter) {
  src ->  tgt.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  // src -> tgt.encounter=create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  src.effectiveTime as effTime then {
    effTime.low as l -> tgt.recordedDate as r then TSDateTime(l, r) "value";
  } "efftime";
  src.entryRelationship as entryRelationship1 then {
    entryRelationship1.observation as observation1 then { -> tgt.identifier;
      observation1.templateId where root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' -> tgt.code as code then {
        observation1 -> code.coding as coding then {
          observation1 -> coding.code = 'No known allergy' "code";
        } "code";
        src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (value.exists()) -> tgt.onset = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value1";
        src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> tgt.onset = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
      } "Noallergy";
      observation1.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (value.exists()) -> tgt.onset = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value1";
      observation1.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> tgt.onset = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
      observation1.value as code then {
        code.code as code1 -> tgt.type = translate(code1, '#AllergyTypeMap', 'code') "type";
        code.code as code1 -> tgt.category = translate(code1, '#AllergyCategoryMap', 'code') "category";
      } "code";
      // toASK qui dovrei fare un controllo sul code
      observation1.value -> tgt.code;
      observation1.participant as participant -> tgt.reaction as reaction then {
        observation1.entryRelationship as entryRelationship2 where (typeCode = 'MFST') then {
          entryRelationship2.observation as observation2 then {
            observation2.value -> reaction.manifestation "manifestation";
            observation2.code -> reaction.manifestation "manifestation";
            observation2.text as tx then {
              tx.reference as reff -> reaction.description = (reff.value) "tx";
            } "tx";
            observation2.effectiveTime as effectiveTime then {
              effectiveTime.low as low -> reaction.onset = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(low, value) "valuePeriodLow";
              effectiveTime.high as high -> tgt.lastOccurrence = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(high, value) "valuePeriodHigh";
            } "low";
          } "observ2";
        } "entryR2";
        participant.participantRole as participantRole then {
          participantRole.playingEntity as playingEntity then {
            playingEntity.code -> reaction.substance "reaction";
      observation1.entryRelationship as entryRelationship2 where (typeCode = 'MFST') then {
        entryRelationship2.observation as observation2 where observation1.participant.exists().not() -> tgt.reaction as reaction then {
          observation2.value -> reaction.manifestation "manifestation";
          observation2.text as tx then {
            tx.reference as reff -> reaction.description = (reff.value) "tx";
          } "tx";
          observation2.effectiveTime as effectiveTime then {
            effectiveTime.low as low -> reaction.onset = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(low, value) "valuePeriodLow";
          } "low";
        } "observ2";
      } "entryR2";
      observation1.entryRelationship as entryRelationship3 where (typeCode = 'SUBJ') then {
        entryRelationship3.observation as observation3 then {
          observation3.value as value then {
            value.code as c -> tgt.criticality = translate(c, '#CricalityMap', 'code') "value";
          } "criticality";
        } "observ3";
        entryRelationship3.act as act -> tgt.note as note then {
          act.text as text then {
            text.reference as reference -> note.text = (reference.value);
          } "note";
      } "entryR3";
      observation1.entryRelationship as entryRelationship4 where (typeCode = 'REFR') then {
        entryRelationship4.observation as observation4 then {
          observation4 -> tgt.clinicalStatus as clinicalStatus then {
            observation4.value as value then {
              value as valu -> clinicalStatus.coding = create('Coding') as coding then {
                valu where (code = 'LA9041-0') -> coding.code = 'resolved' "code";
                valu where (code = 'LA18632-2') -> coding.code = 'inactive' "code";
                valu where (code = 'LA16666-2') -> coding.code = 'active' "code";
                valu -> coding.system = '' "system";
                valu.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string') "display";
              } "coding";
            observation4.text as tx then {
              tx.reference as ref -> clinicalStatus.text = (ref.value);
            } "tx";
          } "clinicalStatus";
        } "observ4";
      } "entryR4";
  } "entryrelationship";

group MedicationStatement(source src : substanceAdministration, target tgt : MedicationStatement, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src ->  tgt.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  // src -> tgt.context = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  src.statusCode -> tgt.status "status"; -> tgt.identifier;
  src.text as text -> tgt.note as note then {
    text.reference as reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "text";
  } "note";
  src.effectiveTime as eff where (value.exists()) -> tgt.effective = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(eff, value) "value1";
  src.effectiveTime : IVL_TS as eff -> tgt.effective = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(eff, value) "valuePeriod";
  src -> tgt.dosage = create('Dosage') as dosage then {
    src.effectiveTime : PIVL_TS as eff then {
      eff -> dosage.timing = create('Timing') as timing then periodTiming(eff, timing) "cod";
    } "eff";
    src where (src.doseQuantity.exists() or src.rateQuantity.exists() or src.routeCode.exists() or src.approachSiteCode.exists()) then {
      src.doseQuantity as doseQuant then {
        doseQuant.originalText as ot then {
          ot.reference -> dosage.text;
        } "ot";
        doseQuant -> dosage.doseAndRate as dosageRate then {
          doseQuant -> dosageRate.dose = create('Range') as d then {
            doseQuant -> d.low = create('SimpleQuantity') as l then {
              doseQuant.low as lo -> l.value = (lo.value);
              doseQuant.low as lo -> l.unit = (lo.unit);
            } "low";
            doseQuant -> d.high = create('SimpleQuantity') as h then {
              doseQuant.high as hi -> h.value = (hi.value);
              doseQuant.high as hi -> h.unit = (hi.unit);
            } "low";
          } "d";
        } "dosageRate";
      src.rateQuantity as rateQuantity then {
        rateQuantity.originalText as ot then {
          ot.reference -> dosage.text;
        } "ot";
        rateQuantity -> dosage.doseAndRate as dosageRate then {
          rateQuantity -> dosageRate.rate = create('Range') as d then {
            rateQuantity -> d.low = create('SimpleQuantity') as l then {
              rateQuantity.low as lo -> l.value = (lo.value);
              rateQuantity.low as lo -> l.unit = (lo.unit);
            } "low";
            rateQuantity -> d.high = create('SimpleQuantity') as h then {
              rateQuantity.high as hi -> h.value = (hi.value);
              rateQuantity.high as hi -> h.unit = (hi.unit);
            } "high";
          } "r";
        } "dosageRate";
      } "rate";
      src.routeCode -> dosage.route "route";
      src.approachSiteCode -> "site";
      src.targetSiteCode -> "site";
    } "route";
  } "dos";
  src.consumable as consumable then {
    consumable.manufacturedProduct as manufacturedProduct ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('Medication') as medication, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Medication/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Medication',  tgt.medication = create('Reference') as medref,  medref.reference = ('https://example/Medication/' + then Medication(src, medication, patient, bundle) "medication";

group periodTiming(source effectiveTime : PIVL_TS, target timing : Timing) {
  effectiveTime -> timing.repeat as r then {
    effectiveTime.period as p -> r.period = (p.value);
    effectiveTime.period as p -> r.periodUnit = (p.unit);
  } "repeat";

group Medication(source src : substanceAdministration, target tgt : Medication, target patient : Patient, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src.consumable as consumable then {
    consumable.manufacturedProduct as manufacturedProduct then {
      manufacturedProduct.manufacturedMaterial as manufacturedMaterial then {
        manufacturedMaterial.code -> tgt.code "CE";
        src.administrationUnitCode -> tgt.form "form";
      } "material";
    } "product";
  src.entryRelationship as entryR then {
    entryR.observation as observation then {
      observation.code where displayName = 'Grammatura' -> tgt.ingredient as ingredient then {
        src.consumable as consumable then {
          consumable.manufacturedProduct as manufacturedProduct then {
            manufacturedProduct.manufacturedMaterial as manufacturedMaterial then {
              manufacturedMaterial.code as code -> ingredient.item = create('CodeableConcept') as value then CECodeableConcept(code, value) "CE";
            } "material";
          } "product";
        observation.value as value -> ingredient.strength as strength then {
          value -> strength.numerator as numerator then {
            value -> numerator.value = (value.value) "valueN";
          } "numerator";
          value -> strength.denominator as denominator then {
            value -> denominator.value = 1 "valueD";
          } "denominator";
        } "strenght";
      } "ingredient";
      observation.code where displayName = 'Quantità nella Confezione' then {
        observation.value as value -> tgt.amount as amount then {
          value -> amount.numerator as numerator then {
            value -> numerator.value = (value.value) "valueN";
          } "numerator";
          value -> amount.denominator as denominator then {
            value -> denominator.value = 1 "valueD";
          } "denominator";
        } "amount";
      } "quantita";
    } "obs";
  } "entryR";

group Immunization(source substance : substanceAdministration, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target tgt : Immunization, target bundle : Bundle) {
  substance ->  tgt.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "patientRef";
  // substance -> tgt.encounter  = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "encounterRef"; as id -> tgt.identifier as idf then {
    id.root as r -> idf.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
  substance.text as text -> tgt.note as note then {
    text.reference as reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "text";
  } "note";
  substance.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'completed') -> tgt.status = 'completed';
  substance.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'aborted') -> tgt.status = 'final';
  substance.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'suspended') -> tgt.status = 'enterer-in-error';
  substance.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'cancelled') -> tgt.status = 'not-done';
  substance.effectiveTime as time -> tgt.occurrence = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(time, value) "efftime";
  substance.routeCode -> tgt.route;
  substance.approachSiteCode ->;
  substance -> tgt.doseQuantity = create('SimpleQuantity') as quantity then {
    substance.doseQuantity as q then {
      q -> quantity.value = (q.value) "val";
      q -> quantity.unit = (q.unit) "uni";
    } "qua";
  } "q";
  substance.consumable as cons then {
    cons.manufacturedProduct as manufact then {
      manufact.manufacturedMaterial as manufactmat then {
        manufactmat.code -> tgt.vaccineCode;
        manufactmat.lotNumberText as t -> tgt.lotNumber = (t.dataString);
      } "manufactmat";
      manufact.manufacturerOrganization as manufactOrg ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e1.resource = create('Organization') as organization then { as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            manufactOrg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/', uuid),  tgt.manufacturer = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/' + "idasi";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as n -> = (n.other);
        manufactOrg -> organization.meta as meta then {
          manufactOrg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            manufactOrg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            manufactOrg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/Vaccinazioni/manufacturerOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
      } "manufactOrg";
    } "manufact";
  } "cons";
  substance.participant as part ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e1.resource = create('Location') as location, = uuid() as uuid1 then {
    part -> location.meta as meta then {
      part -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
        part -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
        part -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/Vaccinazione/participant' "code";
      } "coding";
    } "meta";
    part.participantRole as partRole then { as id -> location.identifier as identifier then {
        id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
        id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
          partRole -> request.url = append('Location?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "ext";
        id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
        id.root as r then {
          id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Location', uuid),  tgt.location = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/' + "idasi";
        } "r";
      } "identifier";
    } "role";
  } "part";
  substance.entryRelationship as entrirel1 then {
    entrirel1.observation as obs then {
      obs.code where (code = '30973-2') then {
        obs -> tgt.protocolApplied = create('BackboneElement') as prot then {
          obs.value as v then {
            v.value as int -> prot.doseNumber = (int.toString());
        } "val";
      } "codecontrol";
    } "obs";
  } "entrirel1";
  substance.entryRelationship as entrirel2 then {
    entrirel2.observation as obs then {
      obs.code where (code = '59781-5') then {
        obs.value as value then {
          value.high as h then {
            h.value as value -> tgt.expirationDate = truncate(value, 10);
          } "val";
      } "codecontrol";
    } "obs";
  } "entrirel2";
  substance.entryRelationship as entrirel4 then {
    entrirel4.observation as obs then {
      obs.code where (code = '59785-6') ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('Observation') as observation, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Observation',  tgt.reasonReference = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then {
        obs then Observation1(entrirel4, patient, tgt, bundle, enc, observation) "observation";
      } "codecontrol";
    } "obs";
  } "entrirel4";
  substance.entryRelationship as entrirel5 then {
    entrirel5.observation as obs then {
      obs.code where (code = '75321-0') or (code = '5321-0') -> tgt.reaction as reaction then {
        obs ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('Observation') as observation, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Observation',  reaction.detail = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then Observation(obs, patient, encounter, observation, bundle) "observation";
      } "codecontrol";
    } "obs";
  } "entrirel5";
  substance.entryRelationship as entrirel5 then {
    entrirel5.act as act then {
      act.text as tx -> tgt.note as note then {
        tx.reference as reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "text";
      } "note";
    } "obs";
  } "entrirel5";

group ConditionFunction(source src : cdaElement, target tgt : Condition, target patient : patient, target encounter : encounter, target bundle : Bundle) { -> tgt.identifier;
  src ->  tgt.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  // src -> tgt.encounter=create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  src.statusCode as stscode -> tgt.verificationStatus as verifstatus then {
    stscode as codeS -> verifstatus.coding = create('Coding') as coding then {
      codeS.code -> coding.code = 'confirmed';
      codeS -> coding.system = '' "system";
      codeS -> coding.display = cast('Confirmed', 'string') "display";
    } "coding";
  } "verifstatus";
  src where entryRelationship.exists().not() then {
    src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (value.exists()) -> tgt.onset = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value1";
    src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> tgt.onset = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
  } "onset";
  src.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then {
    entryRelationship.observation as obsentry then {
      // toASK
      obsentry.value -> tgt.code;
      obsentry.code -> tgt.category;
      obsentry.effectiveTime as effectiveTime where (value.exists()) -> tgt.onset = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value1";
      obsentry.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> tgt.onset = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
      obsentry.text as text -> tgt.note as note then {
        text.reference as reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "text";
      } "note";
      obsentry.entryRelationship as entryR2 then {
        entryR2.observation as obsentry2 then {
          obsentry2.code where code = '89261-2' then {
            obsentry2 ->  tgt.evidence as evidence,  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('Observation') as obsy, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Observation',  evidence.detail = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then Observation(obsentry2, patient, encounter, obsy, bundle) "observation";
          } "observation";
          obsentry2.code where code = '33999-4' then {
            obsentry2.value as value -> tgt.clinicalStatus as clinicalstatus then {
              value as val -> clinicalstatus.coding = create('Coding') as coding then {
                val where (code = 'LA9041-0') -> coding.code = 'resolved' "code";
                val where (code = 'LA18632-2') -> coding.code = 'inactive' "code";
                val where (code = 'LA16666-2') -> coding.code = 'active' "code";
                val -> coding.system = '' "system";
                val.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string') "display";
              } "coding";
              obsentry2.text as text then {
                text.reference as reference -> clinicalstatus.text = (reference.value) "text";
            } "clinicalstatus";
          } "clinicalStatus2";
          obsentry2.code where code = 'SEV' then {
            obsentry2.value -> tgt.severity;
          } "severity";
        entryR2.act as act then {
          act.text as text -> tgt.note as note then {
            text.reference as reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "text";
          } "note";
      } "entryR";
    } "EntryRelObsevation";
  } "entryR";

group FamilyMemberFunction(source src : organizer, target tgt : FamilyMemberHistory, target patient : patient) {
  src ->  tgt.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "patReference"; -> tgt.identifier;
  src.statusCode -> tgt.status;
  src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> = create('date') as value then TSDate(effectiveTime, value) "date";
  src.subject as subject then {
    subject.relatedSubject as relatedSubject then {
      relatedSubject.code -> tgt.relationship "relationshipCode";
      relatedSubject.subject as subject -> as sex then {
        subject.administrativeGenderCode as administrativeGenderCode -> sex.coding as coding then {
          administrativeGenderCode.code as sexCode -> coding.code = translate(sexCode, '#cm-v3-administrative-gender', 'code') "gender";
          administrativeGenderCode -> coding.system = '' "system";
          administrativeGenderCode.displayName as dn -> coding.display = dn;
        } "coding";
    } "relatedSub";
  } "relationship";
  src.component as component -> tgt.condition as condition then {
    component.observation as observation then {
      observation.code -> condition.code;
      observation.text as text -> tgt.note as note then {
        text.reference as reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "value";
      } "reference";
      observation.statusCode -> tgt.status;
      // observation.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> condition.onset = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
      observation.value -> condition.outcome "codeable";
      observation.entryRelationship as entryR then {
        entryR.observation as obs then {
          obs where (code.code = '35267-4') then {
            obs.value as value -> condition.onset = create('Age') as Age then {
              value.value as valueAge -> Age.value = valueAge "age";
              value.unit as unit -> Age.code = unit;
              value.unit as unit -> Age.unit = unit;
              value -> Age.system = '' "system";
          } "insorgenza";
          obs where (code.code = '39016-1') then {
            obs.value as value -> tgt.deceased = create('Age') as Age then {
              value.value as valueAge -> Age.value = valueAge "age";
              value.unit as unit -> Age.code = unit;
              value.unit as unit -> Age.unit = unit;
              value -> Age.system = '' "system";
          } "death";
        } "obser";
      } "EntryRel";

group Practitioner(source src : performer, target tgt : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src ->  bundle.entry as e22,  e22.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e22.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner1 then {
    src.assignedEntity as assignedEntity -> tgt.participant as participant then {
      src.time as time where (value.exists()) -> participant.period = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(time, value) "value1";
      src.time as time where (low.exists()) -> participant.period = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(time, value) "valuePeriod";
      // src.time as time -> participant.period as period then{ as id -> practitioner1.identifier as identifier then {
        id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
        id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext "ext";
        id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
        id.root as r then {
          id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid22,  e22.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid22),  participant.individual = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "id";
        } "r";
      } "identifier"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
        id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
      } "2"; as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
        id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
      } "diverso";
      assignedEntity -> practitioner1.meta as meta then {
        src -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
          src -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
          src -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/VisiteRicoveri/performer/' "code";
        } "coding";
      } "meta";
      assignedEntity.addr -> practitioner1.address;
      assignedEntity.telecom -> practitioner1.telecom;
      assignedEntity.assignedPerson as person then { ->;
        person.birthTime -> practitioner1.birthDate;
      } "partname";
    } "participant";
  } "resurceCreation";

group CarePlanFunction(source src : entry, target tgt : CarePlan, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src ->  tgt.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  src -> tgt.status = 'unknown' "status";
  src -> tgt.intent = 'plan' "intent";
  src -> tgt.activity as activity then {
    src -> activity.detail as detail then {
      src.observation as observation then {
        observation then {
          observation -> detail.status = 'unknown' "status";
          observation ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('Observation') as obs1, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Observation',  detail.reasonReference = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then Observation(observation, patient, encounter, obs1, bundle) "obs1";
        } "activity";
      } "entryObs";
      src.substanceAdministration as substanceAdministration -> tgt.activity as activity then {
        substanceAdministration ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e2.resource = create('MedicationRequest') as medre1, = uuid() as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/MedicationRequest/', uuid2),  request.url = 'MedicationRequest',  activity.reference = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/MedicationRequest/' + then MedicationRequest(substanceAdministration, patient, encounter, medre1, bundle) "Terapie";
      } "entrySub";
      src.procedure as procedureC ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e8.resource = create('Procedure') as procedure, = uuid() as uuid8,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Procedure/', uuid8),  request.url = 'Procedure',  activity.outcomeReference = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Procedure/' + then Procedure(procedureC, patient, encounter, procedure, bundle) "proc";
      src.encounter as encounterCDA ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e3.resource = create('Encounter') as encounterFHIR, = uuid() as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Encounter/', uuid3),  request.url = 'Encounter',  tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + then {
        // encounterCDA -> encounterFHIR.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "encounterHeader";
        encounterCDA ->  encounterFHIR.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "refPatient"; -> encounterFHIR.identifier;
        encounterCDA.statusCode -> encounterFHIR.status;
        encounterCDA where statusCode.exists().not() -> encounterFHIR.status = 'unknown' "status";
        encounterCDA.code as code -> encounterFHIR.class as class then {
          code.code as code -> class.code = cast(code, 'string');
          code.codeSystem as system -> class.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
          code.displayName as display -> class.display = cast(display, 'string');
        } "class";
        encounterCDA.text as text -> encounterFHIR.type as type then {
          text.reference as reference -> type.text = (reference.value) "value";
        encounterCDA.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> encounterFHIR.period = create('Period') as period then {
          effectiveTime -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, start) "val";
        } "efft";
      } "viste";
      src.act as act then { -> tgt.identifier;
        act.code -> activity.outcomeCodeableConcept;
        act.text as text -> activity.progress = create('Annotation') as progress then {
          text.reference as reference -> progress.text = (reference.value) "value";
        act.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> detail.scheduled = create('Period') as period then {
          effectiveTime -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, start) "val";
        } "efft";
        act -> detail.status = 'completed' "status";
    } "detail";
  } "activityIni";

group MedicationRequest(source src : substanceAdministration, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target tgt : MedicationRequest, target bundle : Bundle) {
  // default  + mandatory
  src ->  tgt.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  // src -> tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  src -> tgt.intent = 'order' "intent";
  src where statusCode.exists().not() -> tgt.status = 'unknown' "st";
  src.statusCode as sc then {
    sc.code as cos -> tgt.status = translate(cos, '#MedicationStatusMap', 'code') "codeS";
  } "status"; -> tgt.identifier;
  src.text as txt -> tgt.note as note then {
    txt.reference as reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "text";
  } "note";
  src.effectiveTime : IVL_TS as eff -> tgt.dosageInstruction = create('Dosage') as dosage then {
    eff -> dosage.timing = create('Timing') as timing then {
      eff -> timing.repeat as rep then {
        eff -> rep.bounds = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(eff, value) "valuePeriod";
      } "rep";
    } "timing";
  } "period";
  src.effectiveTime : EIVL_TS as effe -> tgt.dosageInstruction = create('Dosage') as dosage then {
    effe -> dosage.timing = create('Timing') as timing then {
      effe -> timing.repeat as rep then {
        effe.eventCode as ev -> rep.when = (ev.code);
      } "rep";
    } "timing";
  } "period";
  src.effectiveTime : IVL_TS as eff ->  tgt.dosageInstruction = create('Dosage') as dosage,  dosage.timing = create('Timing') as timing,  timing.event = (eff.value) "tim";
  src.effectiveTime : PIVL_TS as eff -> tgt.dosageInstruction = create('Dosage') as dosage then {
    eff -> dosage.timing = create('Timing') as timing then periodTiming(eff, timing) "cod";
  } "eff";
  src where (src.doseQuantity.exists() or src.rateQuantity.exists()) then {
    src -> tgt.dosageInstruction = create('Dosage') as dosageInstruction then {
      src.doseQuantity as doseQuant then {
        doseQuant.originalText as ot then {
          ot.reference -> dosageInstruction.text;
        } "ot";
        doseQuant -> dosageInstruction.doseAndRate as dosageRate then {
          doseQuant -> dosageRate.dose = create('Range') as d then {
            doseQuant -> d.low = create('SimpleQuantity') as l then {
              doseQuant.low as lo -> l.value = (lo.value);
              doseQuant.low as lo -> l.unit = (lo.unit);
            } "low";
            doseQuant -> d.high = create('SimpleQuantity') as h then {
              doseQuant.high as hi -> h.value = (hi.value);
              doseQuant.high as hi -> h.unit = (hi.unit);
            } "low";
          } "d";
        } "dosageRate";
      src.rateQuantity as rateQuantity then {
        rateQuantity.originalText as ot then {
          ot.reference -> dosageInstruction.text;
        } "ot";
        rateQuantity -> dosageInstruction.doseAndRate as dosageRate then {
          rateQuantity -> dosageRate.rate = create('Range') as d then {
            rateQuantity -> d.low = create('SimpleQuantity') as l then {
              rateQuantity.low as lo -> l.value = (lo.value);
              rateQuantity.low as lo -> l.unit = (lo.unit);
            } "low";
            rateQuantity -> d.high = create('SimpleQuantity') as h then {
              rateQuantity.high as hi -> h.value = (hi.value);
              rateQuantity.high as hi -> h.unit = (hi.unit);
            } "high";
          } "r";
        } "dosageRate";
      } "rate";
      src.routeCode -> dosageInstruction.route "route";
      src.approachSiteCode -> "site";
      src.targetSiteCode -> "site";
    } "dosageIn";
  } "condition";
  src.consumable as consumable ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('Medication') as medication, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Medication/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Medication',  tgt.medication = create('Reference') as medref,  medref.reference = ('https://example/Medication/' + then Medication(src, medication, patient, bundle) "medication";
  src.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then { as supply -> tgt.dispenseRequest as dispenseRequest then {
      supply.quantity as quantityCDA -> dispenseRequest.quantity as quantityFHIR then {
        quantityCDA -> quantityFHIR.value = (quantityCDA.value) "value";
  } "entryR";
  src.participant as participant then {
    participant then Practitioner(participant, tgt, bundle) "function";
    participant.effectiveTime -> tgt.authoredOn "autor";
  } "Partecipant";

group OrganizationAffiliation(source src : act, target patient : Patient, target enc : Encounter, target tgt : OrganizationAffiliation, target bundle : Bundle) { -> tgt.identifier;
  // src.code -> tgt.specialty as specialty then{
  src.statusCode where code = 'active' -> = true;
  src.statusCode where (code = 'active').not() -> = false;
  src.effectiveTime as eff -> tgt.period;
  // src.code -> tgt.specialty;
  src -> tgt.specialty = create('CodeableConcept') as spec then {
    src.code as code then {
      code -> spec.coding = create('Coding') as cd then {
        code -> cd.code = (code.code) "code";
        code -> cd.display = (code.displayName) "code";
        code.codeSystem as r -> cd.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
      } "cd";
    } "spec";
    src.entryRelationship as entry then {
      entry.act as a then {
        a.text as tx then {
          tx.reference as reff -> spec.text = (reff.value);
        } "ref";
    } "entry";
  } "a";

group DiagnosticReportFunction(source src : organizer, target patient : Patient, target enc : Encounter, target tgt : DiagnosticReport, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src ->  tgt.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  // src -> tgt.encounter=create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  src.code -> tgt.code;
  src.statusCode where code = 'completed' -> tgt.status = 'final';
  src.effectiveTime as eff where (value.exists()) -> tgt.effective = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(eff, value) "value1";
  src.effectiveTime as eff where (low.exists()) -> tgt.effective = create('Period') as value then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, value) "valuePeriod";
  src.component as component then {
    component.observation as observation ->  bundle.entry as ei,  ei.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  ei.resource = create('Observation') as obsi, = uuid() as uuidi,  ei.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuidi),  request.url = 'Observation',  tgt.result = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then Observation(observation, patient, enc, obsi, bundle) "hasMember";

group EncounterFunction(source src : cdaElement, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target tgt : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle) { -> tgt.identifier;
  src.statusCode -> tgt.status;
  src where statusCode.exists().not() -> tgt.status = 'unknown' "status";
  src.code as code -> tgt.class as class then {
    code -> class.code = (code.code) "code";
    code -> class.display = (code.displayName) "display";
    code.codeSystem as r -> class.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
  } "co";
  // src.effectiveTime as effective -> tgt.period as period then{
  src where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
    src.effectiveTime as eff -> tgt.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
  } "where";
  // effectiveTime = time-stamp
  src where effectiveTime.low.exists().not() or effectiveTime.high.exists().not() then {
    src.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -> tgt.period = create('Period') as period then {
      effectivetime1 -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(effectivetime1, start) "val";
    } "efft";
  } "where";
  // src.effectiveTime as eff where (value.exists()) -> tgt.period = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(eff, value) "value1";
  src.text as tx -> tgt.type as ty then {
    tx.reference as reff -> ty.text = (reff.value) "textType";
  src.performer as performer -> tgt.participant as part then {
    performer -> part.period as period then {
      performer.time as time -> period.start as start then TSDateTime(time, start) "val";
    } "period";
    performer.assignedEntity as assentity ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  tgt.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1,  participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
      assentity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
      assentity ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        assentity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assentity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assentity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assentity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/encounter/performer' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            assentity -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "performer";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2"; as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2";
        assentity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assentity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        assentity.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "assignedEntity";
    } "performer";
  } "01";