CDA to FHIR Maps
0.1.0 - ci-build IT

CDA to FHIR Maps - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

StructureMap: CDA to FHIR - LAB

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-04-11 Computable Name: cda2fhirLabReport
map "" = "cda2fhirLabReport"

uses "" alias ClinicalDocument as source
uses "" alias AssignedAuthor as queried
uses "" alias AssignedEntity as queried
uses "" alias AssociatedEntity as queried
uses "" alias CustodianOrganization as queried
uses "" alias OrganizationPartOf as queried
uses "" alias rapresentedOrganization as queried
uses "" alias Section as queried
uses "" alias PatientRole as queried
uses "" alias AD as source
uses "" alias Bundle as target
uses "" alias Composition as produced
uses "" alias Patient as produced
uses "" alias Encounter as produced
uses "" alias Patient as produced
uses "" alias Practitioner as produced
uses "" alias Specimen as produced
uses "" alias Procedure as produced
uses "" alias Organization as produced
uses "" alias Act as produced
uses "" alias IVL_PQ as source
uses "" alias PQ as source
uses "" alias SimpleQuantity as target
uses "" alias Organizer as source

imports ""
imports ""

group CdaToBundle(source cda : ClinicalDocument, target bundle : Bundle) {
  cda ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e.resource = create('Composition') as composition, = uuid() as uuid1,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Composition/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Composition',  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as requestPAT,  requestPAT.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Patient') as patient, = uuid() as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Patient/', uuid2),  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e3.resource = create('Encounter') as encounter, = uuid() as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Encounter/', uuid3),  request.url = 'Encounter',  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6.resource = create('DocumentReference') as DocumentReference, = uuid() as uuid6,  e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/DocumentReference/', uuid6),  request.url = 'DocumentReference' then {
    cda then ClinicalDocumentToBundle(cda, patient, composition, encounter, bundle, DocumentReference) "cdatobundle";
    cda.recordTarget as recordTarget then {
      recordTarget.patientRole as patient then { as id -> patient.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext1 -> identifier.value = ext1 "value";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
        } "idfr"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') or (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> requestPAT.url = append('Patient?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "ext";
      } "record";
    } "patient";
  } "ClinicalDocumentToBody";

group ClinicalDocumentToBundle(source cda : ClinicalDocument, target patient : Patient, target composition : Composition, target encounter : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle, target documentreference : DocumentReference) {
  cda -> = uuid() "id"; -> bundle.identifier "identifier";
  cda -> bundle.type = 'transaction' "type";
  cda -> bundle.timestamp = ( "date";
  cda then ClinicalDocumentComposition(cda, composition, patient, encounter, bundle, documentreference) "composition";
  cda.component as component then {
    component.structuredBody as body then {
      body.component as component then {
        component.section as srcSection then {
          srcSection.code -> composition.section as tgtSection then ClinicalDocumentSection(cda, srcSection, patient, tgtSection, bundle, encounter, documentreference);
    } "body";

group ClinicalDocumentSection(source cda : ClinicalDocument, source src : Section, target patient : Patient, target tgt, target bundle : Bundle, target enc : Encounter, target documentreference : DocumentReference) {
  src.title as t -> tgt.title = (t.dataString);
  src.code -> tgt.code;
  src.text as cdaText -> tgt.text as fhirText then {
    cdaText -> fhirText.status = 'generated' "narrativeStatus";
    cdaText as t -> fhirText.div = t "narrativeText";
  } "cdaText";
  src.entry as entry1 ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('DiagnosticReport') as DiagnosticReport, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/DiagnosticReport/', uuid1),  request.url = 'DiagnosticReport',  tgt.entry = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/DiagnosticReport/' + then {
    entry1.act as act1 then Act(act1, patient, DiagnosticReport, enc, bundle);
  src.component as component then {
    component.section as sec -> tgt.section as tgtSection then ClinicalDocumentSection(cda, sec, patient, tgtSection, bundle, enc, documentreference);

group Observation(source obs : Observation, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target ob : Observation, target bundle : Bundle) {
  obs ->  ob.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  obs ->  ob.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  obs.code -> ob.code;
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'completed') -> ob.status = 'final';
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'active') -> ob.status = 'registered';
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'aborted') -> ob.status = 'cancelled';
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'suspended') -> ob.status = 'partial';
  obs.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> ob.effective = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value2";
  obs where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
    obs.effectiveTime as eff -> ob.effective = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
  } "where";
  obs.interpretationCode -> ob.interpretation;
  obs.methodCode -> ob.method;
  obs.value : INT as int -> ob.value = (int.value);
  obs.value : BL as boolean -> ob.value = (boolean.value) "boolean";
  obs.value : CE as val then {
    val -> ob.value = create('CodeableConcept') as ce then {
      val.originalText as originalText then {
        originalText.reference as reference -> ce.text = reference;
      } "originltext";
      val -> ce.coding as coding then {
        val.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        val.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        val.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
        val.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
      } "code";
      val.translation as translation -> ce.coding as coding then {
        translation.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        translation.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        translation.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
        translation.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
        translation.qualifier as qualifier then {
          qualifier.value as value -> ce.coding as coding then {
            value.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
            value.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
            value.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
            value.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
    } "coding";
  } "val";
  obs.value : CD as val then {
    val -> ob.value = create('CodeableConcept') as ce then {
      val.originalText as originalText then {
        originalText.reference as reference -> ce.text = reference;
      } "originltext";
      val -> ce.coding as coding then {
        val.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        val.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        val.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
        val.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
      } "code";
      val.translation as translation -> ce.coding as coding then {
        translation.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        translation.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        translation.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
        translation.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
        translation.qualifier as qualifier then {
          qualifier.value as value -> ce.coding as coding then {
            value.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
            value.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
            value.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
            value.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
    } "coding";
  } "val";
  obs.value : PQ as val then {
    val -> ob.value = create('Quantity') as quantity then {
      val.value as value -> quantity.value = value;
      val.unit as unit -> quantity.unit = unit;
    } "quantity";
  } "valueQuantity";
  obs.value : ST as value ->  ob.value = create('string'),  ob.value = (value.dataString);
  // Note e commenti
  obs.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then {
    entryRelationship.act as act then {
      act.text as text then {
        text.reference as reference -> ob.note as note then {
          reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "reference";
    } "Act";
  // subject
  obs.subject as sbj then {
    sbj.relatedSubject as relatedSubj -> patient.extension as extension2 then ExtSubjectAnimal(relatedSubj, extension2);
  // performer
  obs.performer as performer ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
    performer ->  ob.performer = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
      performer.assignedEntity as entity then {
        entity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        entity ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
          entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
            entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              entity -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "performer";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
 as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
          entity.addr -> practitioner.address;
          entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
          entity.assignedPerson as person then {
            person.birthTime as birthTime then {
              birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
            } "birth";
          } "name";
          // organization
          entity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
              representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer/representedOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "aut";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
            representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
            representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization1,  request.method = 'PUT' then {
              OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
              OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
              OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e5.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
                wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                  wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer/representedOrganization/wholeOrganization' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
       as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
       as v -> = (v.other);
                wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
                wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "OrgPartOf";
        } "practitioner";
      } "entity";
    } "practitionerRole";
  // author as srcAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid6,  e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid6),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  ob.performer = create('Reference') as referenceaut,  referenceaut.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
    srcAuthor.assignedAuthor as assignedAuthor then {
      assignedAuthor.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice, code2);
      assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e7,  e7.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e7.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner, = uuid() as uuid7 then {
        srcAuthor.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedAuthor -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assignedAuthor -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assignedAuthor -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assignedAuthor -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            assignedAuthor -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e7.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "aut";
          } "r";
 as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
 as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
        } "identifier";
        assignedAuthor.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assignedAuthor.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        // person
        assignedAuthor.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "ASSAUth";
      // organization
      assignedAuthor.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
        representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
          representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author/representedOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "org";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as v -> = (v.other);
        representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
        representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
        representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
          OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
            OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
          OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
          OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10,  e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
            wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
              wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
            wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
        } "OrgPartOf";
      // device
      assignedAuthor.assignedAuthoringDevice as assignedAuthoringDevice ->  bundle.entry as e11,  e11.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e11.resource = create('Device') as device, = uuid() as uuid11,  e11.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid11),  request.url = 'Device', = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + then {
        assignedAuthoringDevice.templateId -> device.identifier;
        assignedAuthoringDevice.code -> device.type;
        assignedAuthoringDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {
          manufacturerModelName as m -> device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) "displayRule";
        } "manufacturer";
        assignedAuthoringDevice.softwareName as softwareName -> device.deviceName as deviceName then {
          softwareName -> deviceName.type = 'other' "typeName";
          softwareName as s -> = (s.displayName) "name";
        } "deviceName";
      } "Device";
  // participant person
  obs.participant as participant where (typeCode != 'DEV') ->  ob.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + then {
    participant -> encounter.participant as FhirParticipant then {
      participant as p -> FhirParticipant.type as type then {
        p -> type.coding as coding then {
          p -> coding.code = (p.typeCode) "codice";
          p -> coding.system = '' "system";
        } "codeType";
      } "type";
    } "fhirParticipant";
    participant.participantRole as participantRole ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e12.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid12,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid12),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1,  participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + then {
      // participant.time -> participant1.period;
      participant.time as time1 -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then {
        time1 -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time1, start) "val";
      participant.time as time1 -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(time1, period);
      participant.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
      // non mappa i 2 precedenti
      participantRole ->  bundle.entry as e13,  e13.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e13.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        participantRole -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          participantRole -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            participantRole -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            participantRole -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/participant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            participantRole -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e13.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid4),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "org";
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        participantRole.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        participantRole.addr -> practitioner.address;
        participantRole.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        participantRole.playingEntity as playingEntity then {
          playingEntity.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "practitioner";
    } "partRole";
  } "participantEncounter";
  // participant device
  obs.participant as devParticipant where (typeCode = 'DEV') ->  bundle.entry as e14,  e14.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e14.resource = create('Device') as device, = uuid() as uuid14,  e14.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid14),  request.url = 'Device',  ob.device = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + then {
    devParticipant.participantRole as participantRoleDev then {
      participantRoleDev.playingDevice as playingDevice then {
        playingDevice.code -> device.type;
        playingDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {
          manufacturerModelName as m -> device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) "displayRule";
        } "manufacturer";
        playingDevice.softwareName as softwareName -> device.deviceName as deviceName then {
          softwareName -> deviceName.type = 'other' "typeName";
          softwareName as s -> = (s.displayName) "name";
        } "deviceName";
    } "participantRoleDev";
  } "devParticipant";
  // observationMedia
  obs.entryRelationship as er then {
    er.observationMedia as obsMedia ->  bundle.entry as e15,  e15.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e15.resource = create('Media') as media1, = uuid() as uuid15,  e15.fullUrl = append('https://example/Media/', uuid15),  request.url = 'Media',  ob.derivedFrom = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Media/' + then {
      obsMedia -> media1.content = create('Attachment') as Attachment then {
        obsMedia -> media1.status = 'unknown' "status";
        obsMedia.value as valueMedia then {
          valueMedia.mediaType as type -> Attachment.contentType = type "type";
          valueMedia -> = (valueMedia.dataBase64Binary) "data";
        } "valuemedia";
      } "Attachment";
    } "media";
  } "observationMedia";
  // referenceRange
  obs.referenceRange as refRange -> ob.referenceRange = create('BackboneElement') as ref then {
    refRange.observationRange as obsRange then {
      obsRange.value : ST as value ->  ref.text = create('string'),  ref.text = (value.dataString);
      obsRange -> ref.low = create('Quantity') as Low then {
        obsRange.value : IVL_PQ as v then {
          v.low as l1 then {
            l1.value as decValue -> Low.value = decValue;
            l1.unit as Unit -> Low.unit = Unit;
          } "decValue";
          v -> ref.high = create('Quantity') as high then {
            v.high as h1 then {
              h1.value as decValue1 -> high.value = decValue1;
              h1.unit as Unit1 -> high.unit = Unit1;
            } "decValue";
          } "high";
        } "IVL-PQ";
        obsRange.interpretationCode -> ref.type;
        obsRange.precondition as precondition then {
          precondition.criterion as criterion then {
            criterion.code -> ref.appliesTo "appliesTo";
            criterion.value : IVL_PQ as v then {
              v.high as l1 then {
                l1 -> ref.age = create('Quantity') as age then {
                  l1 -> age.high as high then {
                    l1.value as decValue -> high.value = decValue;
                    l1.unit as Unit1 -> high.unit = Unit1;
                  } "high";
                } "age";
              } "low";
            } "v";
      } "obsRange";
    } "refRange";
  } "ref";

group Observation2(source obs : Observation, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target ob : Observation, target bundle : Bundle, source cda : Act, target specimenp : Specimen) {
  obs ->  ob.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  obs ->  ob.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  obs.code -> ob.code;
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'completed') -> ob.status = 'final';
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'active') -> ob.status = 'registered';
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'aborted') -> ob.status = 'cancelled';
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'suspended') -> ob.status = 'partial';
  obs.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> ob.effective = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value2";
  obs where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
    obs.effectiveTime as eff -> ob.effective = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
  } "where";
  obs.interpretationCode -> ob.interpretation;
  obs.methodCode -> ob.method;
  obs.value : INT as int -> ob.value = (int.value);
  obs.value : BL as boolean -> ob.value = (boolean.value) "boolean";
  obs.value : CE as val then {
    val -> ob.value = create('CodeableConcept') as ce then {
      val.originalText as originalText then {
        originalText.reference as reference -> ce.text = reference;
      } "originltext";
      val -> ce.coding as coding then {
        val.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        val.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        val.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
        val.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
      } "code";
      val.translation as translation -> ce.coding as coding then {
        translation.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        translation.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        translation.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
        translation.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
        translation.qualifier as qualifier then {
          qualifier.value as value -> ce.coding as coding then {
            value.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
            value.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
            value.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
            value.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
    } "coding";
  } "val";
  obs.value : PQ as val then {
    val -> ob.value = create('Quantity') as quantity then {
      val.value as value -> quantity.value = value;
      val.unit as unit -> quantity.unit = unit;
    } "quantity";
  } "valueQuantity";
  obs.value : ST as value ->  ob.value = create('string'),  ob.value = (value.dataString);
  // Note e commenti
  obs.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then {
    entryRelationship.act as act then {
      act.text as text then {
        text.reference as reference -> ob.note as note then {
          reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "reference";
    } "Act";
  // subject
  obs.subject as sbj then {
    sbj.relatedSubject as relatedSubj -> patient.extension as extension2 then ExtSubjectAnimal(relatedSubj, extension2);
  cda where cda.entryRelationship.act.exists() then {
    // specimen
    obs.specimen as spmn then {
      spmn.specimenRole as specimenRole then { as id then {
          id.extension as extobs then {
            cda.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then {
              entryRelationship.act as a then {
                a.specimen as sp then {
                  sp.specimenRole as spr then {
           where (extension = extobs) ->  bundle.entry as e4o,  e4o.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e4o.resource = create('Specimen') as specimen, = uuid() as uuid4o,  e4o.fullUrl = append('https://example/Specimen/', uuid4o),  request.url = 'Specimen',  ob.specimen = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Specimen/' + then {
                      spr ->  specimen.parent = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Specimen/' + "reference";
             -> specimen.identifier;
                      specimenRole.specimenPlayingEntity as spent then {
                        spent.code -> specimen.type;
                      } "ent";
                      spr.specimenPlayingEntity as specimenPlayingEntity then {
                        specimenPlayingEntity.code -> specimen.type;
                      a -> specimen.collection = create('BackboneElement') as collection then {
                        a.effectiveTime as effectivetime -> collection.collected = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectivetime, value) "value";
                        a where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
                          a.effectiveTime as eff -> collection.collected = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
                        } "where";
                        a.participant as participant ->  bundle.entry as e10,  e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner, = uuid() as uuid11,  e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid11),  collection.collector = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + then {
                          participant.participantRole as participantRole then {
                            participantRole -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
                              participantRole -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                                participantRole -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                                participantRole -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/act/participant' "code";
                              } "coding";
                            } "meta";
                   as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
                              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                                participantRole -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                              } "ext";
                              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                            } "identifier";
                            participantRole.addr -> practitioner.address;
                            participantRole.playingEntity as playingEntity then {
                      } "collection";
                    } "cont";
                  } "spr";
                } "sp";
              } "a";
            } "en";
          } "extobs";
  } "conditionactexists";
  cda where cda.entryRelationship.act.exists().not() and (obs.specimen.specimenRole.specimenPlayingEntity.code.code != specimenp.type.coding.code) then {
    obs.specimen as spmn ->  bundle.entry as e4o,  e4o.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e4o.resource = create('Specimen') as specimen, = uuid() as uuid4o,  e4o.fullUrl = append('https://example/Specimen/', uuid4o),  request.url = 'Specimen',  ob.specimen = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Specimen/' + then {
      spmn.specimenRole as specimenRole then { -> specimen.identifier;
        specimenRole.specimenPlayingEntity as specimenPlayingEntity then {
          specimenPlayingEntity.code -> specimen.type;
  } "wherenotexists";
  // performer
  obs.performer as performer ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
    performer ->  ob.performer = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
      performer.assignedEntity as entity then {
        entity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        entity ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
          entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
            entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              entity -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "performer";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
 as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
          entity.addr -> practitioner.address;
          entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
          entity.assignedPerson as person then {
            person.birthTime as birthTime then {
              birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
            } "birth";
          } "name";
          // organization
          entity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
              representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer/representedOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "aut";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
            representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
            representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization1,  request.method = 'PUT' then {
              OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
              OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
              OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e5.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
                wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                  wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer/representedOrganization/wholeOrganization' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
       as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
       as v -> = (v.other);
                wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
                wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "OrgPartOf";
        } "practitioner";
      } "entity";
    } "practitionerRole";
  // author as srcAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid6,  e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid6),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  ob.performer = create('Reference') as referenceaut,  referenceaut.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
    srcAuthor.assignedAuthor as assignedAuthor then {
      assignedAuthor.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice, code2);
      assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e7,  e7.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e7.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner, = uuid() as uuid7 then {
        srcAuthor.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedAuthor -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assignedAuthor -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assignedAuthor -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assignedAuthor -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            assignedAuthor -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e7.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "aut";
          } "r";
 as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
 as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
        } "identifier";
        assignedAuthor.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assignedAuthor.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        // person
        assignedAuthor.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "ASSAUth";
      // organization
      assignedAuthor.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
        representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
          representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author/representedOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "org";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as v -> = (v.other);
        representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
        representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
        representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
          OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
            OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
          OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
          OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10,  e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
            wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
              wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
            wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
        } "OrgPartOf";
      // device
      assignedAuthor.assignedAuthoringDevice as assignedAuthoringDevice ->  bundle.entry as e11,  e11.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e11.resource = create('Device') as device, = uuid() as uuid11,  e11.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid11),  request.url = 'Device', = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + then {
        assignedAuthoringDevice.templateId -> device.identifier;
        assignedAuthoringDevice.code -> device.type;
        assignedAuthoringDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {
          manufacturerModelName as m -> device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) "displayRule";
        } "manufacturer";
        assignedAuthoringDevice.softwareName as softwareName -> device.deviceName as deviceName then {
          softwareName -> deviceName.type = 'other' "typeName";
          softwareName as s -> = (s.displayName) "name";
        } "deviceName";
      } "Device";
  // participant person
  obs.participant as participant where (typeCode != 'DEV') ->  ob.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + then {
    participant -> encounter.participant as FhirParticipant then {
      participant as p -> FhirParticipant.type as type then {
        p -> type.coding as coding then {
          p -> coding.code = (p.typeCode) "codice";
          p -> coding.system = '' "system";
        } "codeType";
      } "type";
    } "fhirParticipant";
    participant.participantRole as participantRole ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e12.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid12,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid12),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1,  participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + then {
      // participant.time -> participant1.period;
      participant.time as time1 -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then {
        time1 -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time1, start) "val";
      participant.time as time1 -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(time1, period);
      participant.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
      // non mappa i 2 precedenti
      participantRole ->  bundle.entry as e13,  e13.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e13.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        participantRole -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          participantRole -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            participantRole -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            participantRole -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/participant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            participantRole -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e13.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid4),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "org";
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        participantRole.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        participantRole.addr -> practitioner.address;
        participantRole.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        participantRole.playingEntity as playingEntity then {
          playingEntity.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "practitioner";
    } "partRole";
  } "participantEncounter";
  // participant device
  obs.participant as devParticipant where (typeCode = 'DEV') ->  bundle.entry as e14,  e14.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e14.resource = create('Device') as device, = uuid() as uuid14,  e14.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid14),  request.url = 'Device',  ob.device = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + then {
    devParticipant.participantRole as participantRoleDev then {
      participantRoleDev.playingDevice as playingDevice then {
        playingDevice.code -> device.type;
        playingDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {
          manufacturerModelName as m -> device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) "displayRule";
        } "manufacturer";
        playingDevice.softwareName as softwareName -> device.deviceName as deviceName then {
          softwareName -> deviceName.type = 'other' "typeName";
          softwareName as s -> = (s.displayName) "name";
        } "deviceName";
    } "participantRoleDev";
  } "devParticipant";
  // observationMedia
  obs.entryRelationship as er then {
    er.observationMedia as obsMedia ->  bundle.entry as e15,  e15.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e15.resource = create('Media') as media1, = uuid() as uuid15,  e15.fullUrl = append('https://example/Media/', uuid15),  request.url = 'Media',  ob.derivedFrom = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Media/' + then {
      obsMedia -> media1.content = create('Attachment') as Attachment then {
        obsMedia -> media1.status = 'unknown' "status";
        obsMedia.value as valueMedia then {
          valueMedia.mediaType as type -> Attachment.contentType = type "type";
          valueMedia -> = (valueMedia.dataBase64Binary) "data";
        } "valuemedia";
      } "Attachment";
    } "media";
  } "observationMedia";
  // referenceRange
  obs.referenceRange as refRange -> ob.referenceRange = create('BackboneElement') as ref then {
    refRange.observationRange as obsRange then {
      obsRange.value : ST as value ->  ref.text = create('string'),  ref.text = (value.dataString);
      obsRange -> ref.low = create('Quantity') as Low then {
        obsRange.value : IVL_PQ as v then {
          v.low as l1 then {
            l1.value as decValue -> Low.value = decValue;
            l1.unit as Unit -> Low.unit = Unit;
          } "decValue";
          v -> ref.high = create('Quantity') as high then {
            v.high as h1 then {
              h1.value as decValue1 -> high.value = decValue1;
              h1.unit as Unit1 -> high.unit = Unit1;
            } "decValue";
          } "high";
        } "IVL-PQ";
        obsRange.interpretationCode -> ref.type;
        obsRange.precondition as precondition then {
          precondition.criterion as criterion then {
            criterion.code -> ref.appliesTo "appliesTo";
            criterion.value : IVL_PQ as v then {
              v.high as l1 then {
                l1 -> ref.age = create('Quantity') as age then {
                  l1 -> age.high as high then {
                    l1.value as decValue -> high.value = decValue;
                    l1.unit as Unit1 -> high.unit = Unit1;
                  } "high";
                } "age";
              } "low";
            } "v";
      } "obsRange";
    } "refRange";
  } "ref";

group Observation3(source obs : Observation, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target ob : Observation, target bundle : Bundle, source cda : Act) {
  obs ->  ob.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  obs ->  ob.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  obs.code -> ob.code;
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'completed') -> ob.status = 'final';
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'active') -> ob.status = 'registered';
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'aborted') -> ob.status = 'cancelled';
  obs.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'suspended') -> ob.status = 'partial';
  obs.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> ob.effective = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value2";
  obs where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
    obs.effectiveTime as eff -> ob.effective = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
  } "where";
  obs.interpretationCode -> ob.interpretation;
  obs.methodCode -> ob.method;
  obs.value : INT as int -> ob.value = (int.value);
  obs.value : BL as boolean -> ob.value = (boolean.value) "boolean";
  obs.value : CE as val then {
    val -> ob.value = create('CodeableConcept') as ce then {
      val.originalText as originalText then {
        originalText.reference as reference -> ce.text = reference;
      } "originltext";
      val -> ce.coding as coding then {
        val.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        val.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        val.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
        val.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
      } "code";
      val.translation as translation -> ce.coding as coding then {
        translation.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
        translation.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
        translation.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
        translation.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
        translation.qualifier as qualifier then {
          qualifier.value as value -> ce.coding as coding then {
            value.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
            value.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
            value.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
            value.codeSystemVersion as version -> coding.version = cast(version, 'string');
    } "coding";
  } "val";
  obs.value : PQ as val then {
    val -> ob.value = create('Quantity') as quantity then {
      val.value as value -> quantity.value = value;
      val.unit as unit -> quantity.unit = unit;
    } "quantity";
  } "valueQuantity";
  obs.value : ST as value ->  ob.value = create('string'),  ob.value = (value.dataString);
  // Note e commenti
  obs.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then {
    entryRelationship.act as act then {
      act.text as text then {
        text.reference as reference -> ob.note as note then {
          reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "reference";
    } "Act";
  // subject
  obs.subject as sbj then {
    sbj.relatedSubject as relatedSubj -> patient.extension as extension2 then ExtSubjectAnimal(relatedSubj, extension2);
  // specimen
  obs.specimen as spmn ->  bundle.entry as e4o,  e4o.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e4o.resource = create('Specimen') as specimen, = uuid() as uuid4o,  e4o.fullUrl = append('https://example/Specimen/', uuid4o),  request.url = 'Specimen',  ob.specimen = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Specimen/' + then {
    spmn.specimenRole as specimenRole then { as id -> specimen.identifier;
      specimenRole.specimenPlayingEntity as specimenPlayingEntity then {
        specimenPlayingEntity.code -> specimen.type;
  // performer
  obs.performer as performer ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
    performer ->  ob.performer = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
      performer.assignedEntity as entity then {
        entity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        entity ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
          entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
            entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              entity -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "performer";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
 as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
          entity.addr -> practitioner.address;
          entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
          entity.assignedPerson as person then {
            person.birthTime as birthTime then {
              birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
            } "birth";
          } "name";
          // organization
          entity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
              representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer/representedOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "aut";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
            representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
            representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization1,  request.method = 'PUT' then {
              OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
              OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
              OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e5.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
                wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                  wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/performer/representedOrganization/wholeOrganization' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
       as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
       as v -> = (v.other);
                wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
                wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "OrgPartOf";
        } "practitioner";
      } "entity";
    } "practitionerRole";
  // author as srcAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid6,  e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid6),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  ob.performer = create('Reference') as referenceaut,  referenceaut.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
    srcAuthor.assignedAuthor as assignedAuthor then {
      assignedAuthor.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice, code2);
      assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e7,  e7.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e7.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner, = uuid() as uuid7 then {
        srcAuthor.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedAuthor -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assignedAuthor -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assignedAuthor -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assignedAuthor -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            assignedAuthor -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e7.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "aut";
          } "r";
 as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
 as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
        } "identifier";
        assignedAuthor.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assignedAuthor.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        // person
        assignedAuthor.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "ASSAUth";
      // organization
      assignedAuthor.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
        representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
          representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author/representedOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "org";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as v -> = (v.other);
        representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
        representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
        representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
          OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
            OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
          OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
          OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10,  e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
            wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
              wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
            wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
        } "OrgPartOf";
      // device
      assignedAuthor.assignedAuthoringDevice as assignedAuthoringDevice ->  bundle.entry as e11,  e11.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e11.resource = create('Device') as device, = uuid() as uuid11,  e11.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid11),  request.url = 'Device', = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + then {
        assignedAuthoringDevice.templateId -> device.identifier;
        assignedAuthoringDevice.code -> device.type;
        assignedAuthoringDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {
          manufacturerModelName as m -> device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) "displayRule";
        } "manufacturer";
        assignedAuthoringDevice.softwareName as softwareName -> device.deviceName as deviceName then {
          softwareName -> deviceName.type = 'other' "typeName";
          softwareName as s -> = (s.displayName) "name";
        } "deviceName";
      } "Device";
  // participant person
  obs.participant as participant where (typeCode != 'DEV') ->  ob.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + then {
    participant -> encounter.participant as FhirParticipant then {
      participant as p -> FhirParticipant.type as type then {
        p -> type.coding as coding then {
          p -> coding.code = (p.typeCode) "codice";
          p -> coding.system = '' "system";
        } "codeType";
      } "type";
    } "fhirParticipant";
    participant.participantRole as participantRole ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e12.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid12,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid12),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1,  participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + then {
      // participant.time -> participant1.period;
      participant.time as time1 -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then {
        time1 -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time1, start) "val";
      participant.time as time1 -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(time1, period);
      participant.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
      // non mappa i 2 precedenti
      participantRole ->  bundle.entry as e13,  e13.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e13.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        participantRole -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          participantRole -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            participantRole -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            participantRole -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/observation/participant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            participantRole -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e13.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid4),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "org";
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        participantRole.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        participantRole.addr -> practitioner.address;
        participantRole.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        participantRole.playingEntity as playingEntity then {
          playingEntity.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "practitioner";
    } "partRole";
  } "participantEncounter";
  // participant device
  obs.participant as devParticipant where (typeCode = 'DEV') ->  bundle.entry as e14,  e14.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e14.resource = create('Device') as device, = uuid() as uuid14,  e14.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid14),  request.url = 'Device',  ob.device = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + then {
    devParticipant.participantRole as participantRoleDev then {
      participantRoleDev.playingDevice as playingDevice then {
        playingDevice.code -> device.type;
        playingDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {
          manufacturerModelName as m -> device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) "displayRule";
        } "manufacturer";
        playingDevice.softwareName as softwareName -> device.deviceName as deviceName then {
          softwareName -> deviceName.type = 'other' "typeName";
          softwareName as s -> = (s.displayName) "name";
        } "deviceName";
    } "participantRoleDev";
  } "devParticipant";
  // observationMedia
  obs.entryRelationship as er then {
    er.observationMedia as obsMedia ->  bundle.entry as e15,  e15.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e15.resource = create('Media') as media1, = uuid() as uuid15,  e15.fullUrl = append('https://example/Media/', uuid15),  request.url = 'Media',  ob.derivedFrom = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Media/' + then {
      obsMedia -> media1.content = create('Attachment') as Attachment then {
        obsMedia -> media1.status = 'unknown' "status";
        obsMedia.value as valueMedia then {
          valueMedia.mediaType as type -> Attachment.contentType = type "type";
          valueMedia -> = (valueMedia.dataBase64Binary) "data";
        } "valuemedia";
      } "Attachment";
    } "media";
  } "observationMedia";
  // referenceRange
  obs.referenceRange as refRange -> ob.referenceRange = create('BackboneElement') as ref then {
    refRange.observationRange as obsRange then {
      obsRange.value : ST as value ->  ref.text = create('string'),  ref.text = (value.dataString);
      obsRange -> ref.low = create('Quantity') as Low then {
        obsRange.value : IVL_PQ as v then {
          v.low as l1 then {
            l1.value as decValue -> Low.value = decValue;
            l1.unit as Unit -> Low.unit = Unit;
          } "decValue";
          v -> ref.high = create('Quantity') as high then {
            v.high as h1 then {
              h1.value as decValue1 -> high.value = decValue1;
              h1.unit as Unit1 -> high.unit = Unit1;
            } "decValue";
          } "high";
        } "IVLPQ";
        obsRange.interpretationCode -> ref.type;
        obsRange.precondition as precondition then {
          precondition.criterion as criterion then {
            criterion.code -> ref.appliesTo "appliesTo";
            criterion.value : IVL_PQ as v then {
              v.high as l1 then {
                l1 -> ref.age = create('Quantity') as age then {
                  l1 -> age.high as high then {
                    l1.value as decValue -> high.value = decValue;
                    l1.unit as Unit1 -> high.unit = Unit1;
                  } "high";
                } "age";
              } "low";
            } "v";
      } "obsRange";
    } "refRange";
  } "ref";

group Act(source cda : Act, target pat : Patient, target ac : DiagnosticReport, target enc : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle) {
  cda.code -> ac.code;
  cda where cda.statusCode.exists().not() then {
    cda -> ac.status = 'final' "statuscode";
  } "status";
  cda.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'completed') -> ac.status = 'final';
  cda.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'active') -> ac.status = 'registered';
  cda.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'aborted') -> ac.status = 'cancelled';
  cda.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'suspended') -> ac.status = 'partial';
  cda.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> ac.effective = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value3";
  cda where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
    cda.effectiveTime as eff -> ac.effective = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
  } "where";
  cda ->  ac.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  cda ->  ac.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  // specimen
  cda where cda.specimen.exists() then {
    cda.specimen as src ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e4.resource = create('Specimen') as specimen, = uuid() as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Specimen/', uuid4),  request.url = 'Specimen',  ac.specimen = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Specimen/' + then {
      src.specimenRole as specimenRole then { -> specimen.identifier;
        specimenRole.specimenPlayingEntity as specimenPlayingEntity then {
          specimenPlayingEntity.code -> specimen.type;
      } "SpecimenRole";
      src ->  specimen.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
      cda.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then {
        entryRelationship.observation as observation then {
          observation ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e12.resource = create('Observation') as obs, = uuid() as uuid13,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid13),  request.url = 'Observation',  ac.result = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then {
            observation then Observation2(observation, pat, enc, obs, bundle, cda, specimen) "ORG";
            // procedure
            cda.entryRelationship as entryRelationship1 then {
              entryRelationship1.procedure as proc ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e5.resource = create('Procedure') as procedure, = uuid() as uuid5,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Procedure/', uuid5),  request.url = 'Procedure',  obs.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Procedure/' + then {
                proc ->  procedure.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
                proc ->  procedure.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
                proc where proc.statusCode.exists().not() then {
                  proc -> procedure.status = 'unknown' "statuscode";
                } "status";
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'completed') -> procedure.status = 'completed';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'active') -> procedure.status = 'in-progress';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'aborted') -> procedure.status = 'stopped';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'suspended') -> procedure.status = 'on-hold';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'cancelled') -> procedure.status = 'not-done';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'held') -> procedure.status = 'on-hold';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'new') -> procedure.status = 'preparation';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'obsolete') -> procedure.status = 'entered-in-error';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'nullified') -> procedure.status = 'unknown';
                proc.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> procedure.performed = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "datetime";
                proc where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
                  proc.effectiveTime as eff -> procedure.performed = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
                } "where";
                proc.targetSiteCode -> procedure.bodySite;
            } "entryRelationshipprocedure";
          } "obs";
        entryRelationship.organizer as organizer then {
          organizer ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e12.resource = create('Observation') as obs, = uuid() as uuid13,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid13),  request.url = 'Observation',  ac.result = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then {
            organizer then Organizer(cda, organizer, pat, enc, obs, bundle) "ORG";
            // procedure
            cda.entryRelationship as entryRelationship1 then {
              entryRelationship1.procedure as proc ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e5.resource = create('Procedure') as procedure, = uuid() as uuid5,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Procedure/', uuid5),  request.url = 'Procedure',  obs.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Procedure/' + then {
                proc ->  procedure.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
                proc ->  procedure.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
                proc where proc.statusCode.exists().not() then {
                  proc -> procedure.status = 'unknown' "statuscode";
                } "status";
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'completed') -> procedure.status = 'completed';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'active') -> procedure.status = 'in-progress';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'aborted') -> procedure.status = 'stopped';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'suspended') -> procedure.status = 'on-hold';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'cancelled') -> procedure.status = 'not-done';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'held') -> procedure.status = 'on-hold';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'new') -> procedure.status = 'preparation';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'obsolete') -> procedure.status = 'entered-in-error';
                proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'nullified') -> procedure.status = 'unknown';
                proc.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> procedure.performed = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "datetime";
                proc where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
                  proc.effectiveTime as eff -> procedure.performed = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
                } "where";
                proc.targetSiteCode -> procedure.bodySite;
              } "pbservation";
            } "entryRelationshiprocedure";
          } "Organizer";
      } "entryRelationshipobservation";
  } "exist";
  cda where cda.specimen.exists().not() then {
    // cda -> bundle.entry as e4, e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e4.resource = create('Specimen') as specimen, = uuid() as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Specimen/', uuid4), request.url = 'Specimen' then {
    cda.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then {
      entryRelationship.observation as observation then {
        observation ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e12.resource = create('Observation') as obs, = uuid() as uuid13,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid13),  request.url = 'Observation',  ac.result = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then {
          observation then Observation3(observation, pat, enc, obs, bundle, cda) "ORG";
          // procedure
          cda.entryRelationship as entryRelationship1 then {
            entryRelationship1.procedure as proc ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e5.resource = create('Procedure') as procedure, = uuid() as uuid5,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Procedure/', uuid5),  request.url = 'Procedure',  obs.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Procedure/' + then {
              proc ->  procedure.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
              proc ->  procedure.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
              proc where proc.statusCode.exists().not() then {
                proc -> procedure.status = 'unknown' "statuscode";
              } "status";
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'completed') -> procedure.status = 'completed';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'active') -> procedure.status = 'in-progress';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'aborted') -> procedure.status = 'stopped';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'suspended') -> procedure.status = 'on-hold';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'cancelled') -> procedure.status = 'not-done';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'held') -> procedure.status = 'on-hold';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'new') -> procedure.status = 'preparation';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'obsolete') -> procedure.status = 'entered-in-error';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'nullified') -> procedure.status = 'unknown';
              proc.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> procedure.performed = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "datetime";
              proc where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
                proc.effectiveTime as eff -> procedure.performed = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
              } "where";
              proc.targetSiteCode -> procedure.bodySite;
          } "entryRelationshipprocedure";
        } "obs";
      entryRelationship.organizer as organizer then {
        organizer ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e12.resource = create('Observation') as obs, = uuid() as uuid13,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid13),  request.url = 'Observation',  ac.result = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then {
          organizer then Organizer(cda, organizer, pat, enc, obs, bundle) "ORG";
          // procedure
          cda.entryRelationship as entryRelationship1 then {
            entryRelationship1.procedure as proc ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e5.resource = create('Procedure') as procedure, = uuid() as uuid5,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Procedure/', uuid5),  request.url = 'Procedure',  obs.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Procedure/' + then {
              proc ->  procedure.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
              proc ->  procedure.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
              proc where proc.statusCode.exists().not() then {
                proc -> procedure.status = 'unknown' "statuscode";
              } "status";
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'completed') -> procedure.status = 'completed';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'active') -> procedure.status = 'in-progress';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'aborted') -> procedure.status = 'stopped';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'suspended') -> procedure.status = 'on-hold';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'cancelled') -> procedure.status = 'not-done';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'held') -> procedure.status = 'on-hold';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'new') -> procedure.status = 'preparation';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'obsolete') -> procedure.status = 'entered-in-error';
              proc.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'nullified') -> procedure.status = 'unknown';
              proc.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> procedure.performed = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "datetime";
              proc where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
                proc.effectiveTime as eff -> procedure.performed = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
              } "where";
              proc.targetSiteCode -> procedure.bodySite;
            } "pbservation";
          } "entryRelationshiprocedure";
        } "Organizer";
    } "entryRelationshipobservation";
  } "existnot";
  cda.participant as part where (typeCode != 'DEV') -> enc.participant as participant then {
    part -> participant.type as type then {
      part -> type.coding as coding then {
        part -> coding.code = (part.typeCode) "codice";
        part -> coding.system = '' "system";
      } "codeType";
    } "type";
    part.participantRole as participantRole -> participant.individual = create('Reference') as reference then {
      participantRole ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        part.time as time1 -> participant.period = create('Period') as period then {
          time1 -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time1, start) "val";
        part.time as time1 -> participant.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(time1, period);
        participantRole -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          participantRole -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            participantRole -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            participantRole -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/act/participant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            participantRole -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid4),  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "org";
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        participantRole.addr -> practitioner.address;
        participantRole.playingEntity as playingEntity then {
      } "participanRoleBund";
  cda.performer as performer ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  ac.performer = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
    performer.assignedEntity as assignedEntity then {
      assignedEntity.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code;
      assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        assignedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assignedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assignedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assignedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/act/performer' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            assignedEntity -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid4),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "pra";
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        assignedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assignedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        assignedEntity.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "ASSAUth";
      assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
        representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
          representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/act/representedOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2) "org";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as v -> = (v.other);
        representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
        representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
        representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
          OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
            OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/act/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, = uuid() as uuid3,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
          OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
          OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10bis,  e10bis.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10bis.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
            OrgPartOf -> organization2.meta as meta then {
              OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/act/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e10bis.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
            wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
        } "OrgPartOf";
    } "performer";
  // AUTHOR as srcAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e5.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid6,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid6),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  ac.performer = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
    srcAuthor.assignedAuthor as assignedAuthor then {
      assignedAuthor.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code;
      assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e7,  e7.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e7.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        srcAuthor.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedAuthor.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedAuthor -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assignedAuthor -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assignedAuthor -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assignedAuthor -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/act/author' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            assignedAuthor -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e7.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "aut";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2"; as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        assignedAuthor.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assignedAuthor.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        // person
        assignedAuthor.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "ASSAUth";
      // organization
      assignedAuthor.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
        representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
          representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/act/author/representedOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid8,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid8),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid8) "org";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as v -> = (v.other);
        representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
        representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
        representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
          OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
            OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/act/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid9,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid9),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
          OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
          OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10,  e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
            wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
              wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/act/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid10,  e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid10),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
            wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
        } "OrgPartOf";
    } "author";
  // <!--entryRelationship per la gestione delle note e commenti-->
  cda.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then {
    entryRelationship.act as act then {
      act.text as text then {
        text.reference as reference -> ac.conclusion = (reference.value);
    } "Act";

group Organizer(source cda : Act, source org : Organizer, target patient : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target observation : Observation, target bundle : Bundle) {
  org ->  observation.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  org ->  observation.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
  org.code -> observation.code;
  org where org.code.exists().not() then {
    cda.code -> observation.code;
  } "act";
  org.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'completed') -> observation.status = 'final';
  org.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'active') -> observation.status = 'registered';
  org.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'aborted') -> observation.status = 'cancelled';
  org.statusCode as statusc where (code = 'suspended') -> observation.status = 'partial';
  org.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> observation.effective = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value2";
  org where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
    org.effectiveTime as eff -> observation.effective = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
  } "where";
  // specimen
  org.specimen as spmn ->  bundle.entry as e4o,  e4o.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e4o.resource = create('Specimen') as specimen, = uuid() as uuid4o,  e4o.fullUrl = append('https://example/Specimen/', uuid4o),  request.url = 'Specimen',  observation.specimen = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Specimen/' + then {
    spmn.specimenRole as specimenRole then { as id -> specimen.identifier;
      specimenRole.specimenPlayingEntity as specimenPlayingEntity then {
        specimenPlayingEntity.code -> specimen.type;
  // subject
  org.subject as sbj then {
    sbj.relatedSubject as relatedSubj -> patient.extension as extension2 then ExtSubjectAnimal(relatedSubj, extension2);
  // performer
  org.performer as performer ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
    performer ->  observation.performer = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
      performer.assignedEntity as entity then {
        entity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        entity ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
          entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
            entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/organizer/performer' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              entity -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "aut";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
 as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
          entity.addr -> practitioner.address;
          entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
          entity.assignedPerson as person then {
            person.birthTime as birthTime then {
              birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
            } "birth";
          } "name";
          entity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
              representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/organizer/performer/representedOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "aut";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
            representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
            representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
              OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/organizer/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
              OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
              OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e5.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
                wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                  wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/organizer/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
       as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "org";
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
       as v -> = (v.other);
                wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
                wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "OrgPartOf";
        } "practitioner";
      } "entity";
    } "practitionerRole";
  // author as srcAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid6,  e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid6),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  observation.performer = create('Reference') as referenceaut,  referenceaut.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
    // srcAuthor.time as time ->;
    srcAuthor.assignedAuthor as assignedAuthor then {
      assignedAuthor.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice, code2);
      assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e7,  e7.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e7.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        srcAuthor.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
        // assignedAuthor.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedAuthor -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assignedAuthor -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assignedAuthor -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assignedAuthor -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/organizer/author' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            assignedAuthor -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid7,  e7.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid7),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "aut";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2"; as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        assignedAuthor.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assignedAuthor.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        // person
        assignedAuthor.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "ASSAUth";
      // organization
      assignedAuthor.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
        representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
          representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/organizer/author/representedOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid8,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid8),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid8) "aut";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as v -> = (v.other);
        representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
        representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
        representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
          OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
            OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/organizer/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid9,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid9),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "aut";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
          OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
          OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10,  e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
            OrgPartOf -> organization2.meta as meta then {
              OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/organizer/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid10,  e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid10),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "aut";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
            wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
        } "OrgPartOf";
      // device
      assignedAuthor.assignedAuthoringDevice as assignedAuthoringDevice ->  bundle.entry as e11,  e11.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e11.resource = create('Device') as device, = uuid() as uuid11,  e11.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid11),  request.url = 'Device', = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + then {
        assignedAuthoringDevice.templateId -> device.identifier;
        assignedAuthoringDevice.code -> device.type;
        assignedAuthoringDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {
          manufacturerModelName as m -> device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) "displayRule";
        } "manufacturer";
        assignedAuthoringDevice.softwareName as softwareName -> device.deviceName as deviceName then {
          softwareName -> deviceName.type = 'other' "typeName";
          softwareName as s -> = (s.displayName) "name";
        } "deviceName";
      } "Device";
  // participant person
  org.participant as participant where (typeCode != 'DEV') ->  observation.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + then {
    participant -> encounter.participant as FhirParticipant then {
      participant as p -> FhirParticipant.type as type then {
        p -> type.coding as coding then {
          p -> coding.code = (p.typeCode) "codice";
          p -> coding.system = '' "system";
        } "codeType";
      } "type";
    } "fhirParticipant";
    participant.participantRole as participantRole ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e12.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid12,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid12),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1 then {
      // participant.time -> participant1.period;
      participant.time as time1 -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then {
        time1 -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time1, start) "val";
      participant.time as time1 -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(time1, period);
      participant.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
      // non mappa i 2 precedenti
      participantRole ->  bundle.entry as e13,  e13.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e13.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        participantRole ->  participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + "par";
        participantRole -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          participantRole -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            participantRole -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            participantRole -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/body/organizer/participant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            participantRole -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e13.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "part";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2"; as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        participantRole.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        participantRole.addr -> practitioner.address;
        participantRole.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        participantRole.playingEntity as playingEntity then {
          playingEntity.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "practitioner";
    } "partRole";
  } "participantEncounter";
  // participant device
  org.participant as devParticipant where (typeCode = 'DEV') ->  bundle.entry as e14,  e14.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e14.resource = create('Device') as device, = uuid() as uuid14,  e14.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid14),  request.url = 'Device',  observation.device = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + then {
    devParticipant.participantRole as participantRoleDev then {
      participantRoleDev.playingDevice as playingDevice then {
        playingDevice.code -> device.type;
        playingDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {
          manufacturerModelName as m -> device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) "displayRule";
        } "manufacturer";
        playingDevice.softwareName as softwareName -> device.deviceName as deviceName then {
          softwareName -> deviceName.type = 'other' "typeName";
          softwareName as s -> = (s.displayName) "name";
        } "deviceName";
    } "participantRoleDev";
  } "devParticipant";
  org.component as component then {
    component.observation as observation ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e.resource = create('Observation') as observationhasmember, = uuid() as uuid2,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid2),  request.url = 'Observation',  observation.hasMember = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then Observation(observation, patient, encounter, observationhasmember, bundle) "OBS";
  } "componentobservation";
  org.component as component then {
    component.organizer as organizer ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('Observation') as observationorganizer, = uuid() as uuid3,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Observation/', uuid3),  request.url = 'Observation',  observation.hasMember = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Observation/' + then {
      organizer then Organizer(cda, organizer, patient, encounter, observationorganizer, bundle) "ORG";
  } "componentorganizer";
  // observationMedia
  org.component as component then {
    component.observationMedia as obsMedia ->  bundle.entry as e15,  e15.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e15.resource = create('Media') as media1, = uuid() as uuid15,  e15.fullUrl = append('https://example/Media/', uuid15),  request.url = 'Media',  observation.derivedFrom = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Media/' + then {
      obsMedia -> media1.content = create('Attachment') as Attachment then {
        obsMedia -> media1.status = 'unknown' "status";
        obsMedia.value as valueMedia then {
          valueMedia.mediaType as type -> Attachment.contentType = type "type";
          valueMedia -> = (valueMedia.dataBase64Binary) "data";
        } "valuemedia";
      } "Attachment";
    } "obsmedia";
  // note
  org.component as component then {
    component.act as act then {
      act.text as text then {
        text.reference as reference -> observation.note as note then {
          reference -> note.text = (reference.value) "reference";
        } "note";
    } "componentact";

group ExtSubjectAnimal(source src : relatedSubject, target ext : Extension) {
  src -> ext.url = '' "url";
  src.code as code ->  ext.extension as ext,  ext.url = 'species',  ext.value = create('CodeableConcept') as code1 then CECodeableConcept(code, code1);