CDA to FHIR Maps
0.1.0 - ci-build IT

CDA to FHIR Maps - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

StructureMap: CDA to FHIR - Header

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-04-11 Computable Name: cda2fhirHeader
map "" = "cda2fhirHeader"

uses "" alias ClinicalDocument as source
uses "" alias AssignedAuthor as queried
uses "" alias AssignedEntity as queried
uses "" alias AssociatedEntity as queried
uses "" alias CustodianOrganization as queried
uses "" alias Section as queried
uses "" alias PatientRole as queried
uses "" alias Bundle as target
uses "" alias Composition as produced
uses "" alias Patient as produced
uses "" alias Encounter as produced
uses "" alias Patient as produced
uses "" alias Practitioner as produced
uses "" alias Specimen as produced
uses "" alias Organization as produced
uses "" alias HealthCareFacility as queried

imports ""

group CdaToBundle(source cda : ClinicalDocument, target bundle : Bundle) {
  cda ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e.resource = create('Composition') as composition, = uuid() as uuid1,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Composition/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Composition',  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as requestPAT,  requestPAT.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Patient') as patient, = uuid() as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Patient/', uuid2),  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e3.resource = create('Encounter') as encounter, = uuid() as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Encounter/', uuid3),  request.url = 'Encounter',  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e4.resource = create('DocumentReference') as DocumentReference, = uuid() as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/DocumentReference/', uuid3),  request.url = 'DocumentReference' then {
    cda then ClinicalDocumentToBundle(cda, patient, composition, encounter, bundle, DocumentReference) "cdatobundle";
    cda.recordTarget as recordTarget then {
      recordTarget.patientRole as patient then { as id -> patient.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext "value";
          // r -> requestPAT.url = append('Patient?identifier=',ext) "UUID";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
        } "record";
      } "recPat";
    } "patient";
  } "ClinicalDocumentToBody";

group ClinicalDocumentToBundle(source cda : ClinicalDocument, target patient : Patient, target composition : Composition, target encounter : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle, target DocumentReference : DocumentReference) {
  cda -> = uuid() "id"; -> bundle.identifier "identifier";
  cda -> bundle.type = 'transaction' "type";
  cda -> bundle.timestamp = ( "date";
  cda then ClinicalDocumentComposition(cda, composition, patient, encounter, bundle, DocumentReference) "composition";

group ClinicalDocumentComposition(source src : ClinicalDocument, target tgt : Composition, target patientResource : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle, target DocumentReference : DocumentReference) {
  src.languageCode -> tgt.language;
  src -> DocumentReference.status = 'current' "status";
  src -> DocumentReference.content = create('BackboneElement') as content then {
    src ->  content.attachment = create('Attachment') as attachment,  attachment.title = 'string' "comp";
  } "content";
  src -> DocumentReference.context = create('BackboneElement') as context then {
    src ->  context.related = create('Reference') as referenceComp,  referenceComp.reference = ('https://example/Composition/' + "comp";
  } "context"; where src.setId.exists().not() -> tgt.identifier "identifier";
  src.setId -> tgt.identifier "identifier";
  src -> tgt.status = 'final' "status";
  src.code -> tgt.type;
  src.title as t -> tgt.title = (t.dataString);
  src where src.title.exists().not() then {
    src.code as code then {
      code.displayName as display -> tgt.title = cast(display, 'string');
    } "display";
  } "title";
  src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value);
  src.versionNumber as versionNumber where (value > 1) -> tgt.extension as ext2 then ChExtEprVersionNumber(versionNumber, ext2);
  src.confidentialityCode -> tgt.confidentiality;
  src.recordTarget as recordTarget then {
    recordTarget.patientRole as patient ->  tgt.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + then ClinicalDocumentPatientRole(patient, patientResource, bundle) "subject";
    recordTarget.patientRole as patient ->  DocumentReference.subject = create('Reference') as reference1,  reference1.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' +;
  } "patientRole";
  // START AUTHOR as srcAuthor then {
    srcAuthor.time as time ->;
    srcAuthor.assignedAuthor as assignedAuthor then {
      // Codice Fiscale as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
        assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole', = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
          // assignedAuthor.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice,code2);
          assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
            srcAuthor.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
            assignedAuthor -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
              assignedAuthor -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                assignedAuthor -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                assignedAuthor -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            assignedAuthor.code -> practitionerRole.code;
   as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
              // then {
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "aut";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "2";
   as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "diverso";
            assignedAuthor.addr -> practitioner.address;
            assignedAuthor.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
            assignedAuthor.assignedPerson as person then {
              person.birthTime as birthTime then {
                birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
              } "birth";
            } "name";
            assignedAuthor -> = create('Reference') as referenceAuth,  referenceAuth.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "refAuth";
          } "ASSAUth";
          assignedAuthor.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
   as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "aut";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
              representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author/representedOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
            representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
            representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
              OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "aut";
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
              OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
              OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10bis,  e10bis.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10bis.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
                wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                  wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
       as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e10bis.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "aut";
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
       as v -> = (v.other);
                wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
                wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "OrgPartOf";
        } "ParcatitionerROL";
      } "OIDCF";
      // Partita IVA as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
        assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e6bis3,  e6bis3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6bis3.resource = create('Device') as device, = uuid() as uuid6bis3,  e6bis3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid6bis3),  request.url = 'Device', = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + then {
          assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e251,  e251.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e251.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            assignedAuthor -> organization.meta as meta then {
              assignedAuthor -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                assignedAuthor -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                assignedAuthor -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/AuthorPartitaIVA' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                assignedAuthor -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e251.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  device.owner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
          } "OrgPartitaIVA";
        } "Device";
      } "oidPartitaIVA";
      // ID nullFlavor as id where nullFlavor.exists() then {
        assignedAuthor.assignedAuthoringDevice as assignedAuthoringDevice ->  bundle.entry as e6bis,  e6bis.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6bis.resource = create('Device') as device, = uuid() as uuid6bis,  e6bis.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid6bis),  request.url = 'Device', = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device' + then {
          // assignedAuthoringDevice.templateId -> device.identifier;
          assignedAuthoringDevice.code -> device.type;
          assignedAuthoringDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {
            manufacturerModelName as m -> device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) "displayRule";
          } "manufacturer";
          assignedAuthoringDevice.softwareName as softwareName -> device.deviceName as deviceName then {
            softwareName -> deviceName.type = 'other' "typeName";
            softwareName as s -> = (s.displayName) "name";
          } "deviceName";
        } "Device";
      } "NullFlavor";
    src.dataEnterer as dataEnt ->  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole', = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
      dataEnt.time as time ->;
      dataEnt.assignedEntity as assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e7,  e7.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e7.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        assignedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assignedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assignedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assignedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        assignedEntity.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice, code2); as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e7.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "dataenterer";
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2"; as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        assignedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assignedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        assignedEntity.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
            representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer/representedOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "dataenterer";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as v -> = (v.other);
          representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
          representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
            OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
              OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "dataenterer";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10,  e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
              wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "dataenterer";
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
     as v -> = (v.other);
              wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
              wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
        } "RepresentedOrganization";
      } "AssignedEntity";
    } "DataEnter";
  } "srcAuthor";
  src.informant as informant then {
    informant.assignedEntity as assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e11,  e11.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e11.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e11.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
      informant -> tgt.attester as attester then {
        informant -> attester.mode = 'professional' "mode";
        informant -> = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + "reference";
        assignedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedEntity as entity ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e12.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
          entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
            entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + "dataenterer";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
 as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
          entity.addr -> practitioner.address;
          entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
          entity.assignedPerson as person then {
            person.birthTime as birthTime then {
              birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
            } "birth";
          } "person";
          entity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e13,  e13.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e13.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
              representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant/representedOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e13.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
            representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
            representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf -> organization.partOf as partOf then {
              representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as organizationPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e14,  e14.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e14.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
                organizationPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                  organizationPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    organizationPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    organizationPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
       as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    organizationPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e14.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
                organizationPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
                organizationPartOf.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
                organizationPartOf.wholeOrganization -> organization1.partOf as partOf1 then {
                  organizationPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e15,  e15.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e15.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
                    wholeOrganization -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                      wholeOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                        wholeOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                        wholeOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                      } "coding";
                    } "meta";
           as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                      id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                      id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                        wholeOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                      } "ext";
                      id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                      id.root as r then {
                        id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e15.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                      } "r";
                    } "identifier";
           as v -> = (v.other);
                    wholeOrganization.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
                    wholeOrganization.addr -> organization2.address;
                } "asOrganizationPartOf";
              } "partOf";
            } "qualification";
          } "organization";
        } "assignedEntity";
      } "attester";
    } "informant";
  } "inform";
  src.informant as informant then {
    informant.relatedEntity as related ->  bundle.entry as e16,  e16.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e16.resource = create('RelatedPerson') as relatedPerson, = uuid() as uuid1,  e16.fullUrl = append('https://example/RelatedPerson/', uuid1),  request.url = 'RelatedPerson' then {
      informant -> tgt.attester as attester then {
        informant -> attester.mode = 'professional' "mode";
        informant -> = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/RelatedPerson/' + "reference";
        related.relatedPerson as Person then {
          related.code -> relatedPerson.relationship;
          related.telecom -> relatedPerson.telecom;
          related.addr -> relatedPerson.address;
          related.birthTime as date then {
            date.value as value -> relatedPerson.birthDate = truncate(value, 10) "valueD";
          } "birthinformant";
          related ->  relatedPerson.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
        } "relatedPerson1";
      } "relatedPerson";
    } "informant";
  } "inform2";
  src.custodian as custodian then {
    custodian.assignedCustodian as assignedCustodian ->  bundle.entry as e17,  e17.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e17.resource = create('Organization') as Organization then {
      assignedCustodian -> Organization.meta as meta then {
        assignedCustodian -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
          assignedCustodian -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
          assignedCustodian -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/custodian' "code";
        } "coding";
      } "meta";
      assignedCustodian.representedCustodianOrganization as representedCustodianOrganization then { as id -> Organization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            representedCustodianOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid,  e17.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid);
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        assignedCustodian ->  DocumentReference.custodian = create('Reference') as referenceCU,  referenceCU.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "RefCustodian";
        representedCustodianOrganization ->  tgt.custodian = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + then CustodianOrganization(representedCustodianOrganization, Organization) "custodian1";
    } "organization";
  src.informationRecipient as informationRecipient then {
    informationRecipient.intendedRecipient as intendedRecipient then {
      intendedRecipient.informationRecipient as informationRecipient2 then {
        informationRecipient -> tgt.attester as attester then {
          informationRecipient2 -> attester.mode = 'professional' "mode";
          informationRecipient2 ->  bundle.entry as e19,  e19.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e19.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
            informationRecipient2 -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
              informationRecipient2 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                informationRecipient2 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                informationRecipient2 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e19.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), = create('Reference') as reference1,  reference1.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "2";
   as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "diverso";
            intendedRecipient.addr -> practitioner.address;
            intendedRecipient.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
            informationRecipient2.birthTime as bt then {
              bt.value as v -> practitioner.birthDate = (;
            } "date";
          } "PersonRecipient";
        } "intendedRecipienPract";
      } "attesterOrg";
      intendedRecipient.receivedOrganization as receivedOrganization then {
        informationRecipient -> tgt.attester as attester then {
          receivedOrganization -> attester.mode = 'official' "mode";
          receivedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e20,  e20.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e20.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            receivedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
              receivedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                receivedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                receivedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient/receivedOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                receivedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e20.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), = create('Reference') as reference2,  reference2.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            receivedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
            receivedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
            receivedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrganizationPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e21,  e21.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e21.resource = create('Organization') as organization2, = uuid() as uuid4,  e21.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceor,  referenceor.reference = ('https://example/Organization' + then {
              asOrganizationPartOf -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                asOrganizationPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  asOrganizationPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  asOrganizationPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient/receivedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  asOrganizationPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e21.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceor,  referenceor.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              asOrganizationPartOf.code -> organization2.type;
              asOrganizationPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
              asOrganizationPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrganization3 ->  bundle.entry as e22,  e22.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e22.resource = create('Organization') as organization3 then {
                wholeOrganization3 -> organization3.meta as meta then {
                  wholeOrganization3 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    wholeOrganization3 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    wholeOrganization3 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient/receivedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
       as id -> organization3.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    wholeOrganization3 -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e22.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization2.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceor,  referenceor.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
       as v -> = (v.other);
                wholeOrganization3.telecom -> organization3.telecom;
                wholeOrganization3.addr -> organization3.address;
          } "receivedOrganization";
        } "intendedRecipienOrg";
      } "attesterOrg";
    } "intendedRecipent";
  } "informationRecipent";
  // START Legal Authenticator
  src.legalAuthenticator as legalAuth then {
    legalAuth -> tgt.attester as attester then {
      legalAuth.assignedEntity as entity then {
        // Codice Fiscale as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') ->  bundle.entry as e23,  e23.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e23.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid,  e23.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
          legalAuth -> attester.mode = 'legal' "mode";
          legalAuth.time -> attester.time;
          legalAuth -> = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
            entity ->  bundle.entry as e24,  e24.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e24.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
              entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
                entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1,  e24.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid1),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' +;
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
     as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
                id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "2";
              entity.addr -> practitioner.address;
              entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
              entity.assignedPerson as person then {
                person.birthTime as birthTime then {
                  birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
                } "birth";
              } "person";
            } "practitioner";
            entity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
            entity.representedOrganization as rapresentedOrg ->  bundle.entry as e25,  e25.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e25.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
              rapresentedOrg -> organization.meta as meta then {
                rapresentedOrg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  rapresentedOrg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  rapresentedOrg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator/representedOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  rapresentedOrg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e25.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
     as v -> = (v.other);
              rapresentedOrg.telecom -> organization.telecom;
              rapresentedOrg.addr -> organization.address;
              rapresentedOrg.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrgPartOf then {
                asOrgPartOf as asOrgPartOf1 ->  bundle.entry as e26,  e26.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e26.resource = create('Organization') as asorganization then {
                  asOrgPartOf1 -> asorganization.meta as meta then {
                    asOrgPartOf1 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                      asOrgPartOf1 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                      asOrgPartOf1 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                    } "coding";
                  } "meta";
         as id -> asorganization.identifier as identifier then {
                    id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                    id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                      asOrgPartOf1 -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                    } "ext";
                    id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                    id.root as r then {
                      id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e26.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                    } "r";
                  } "identifier";
                  asOrgPartOf1.code -> asorganization.type;
                  asOrgPartOf1.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = true;
                  asOrgPartOf1.wholeOrganization as wholeOrg then {
                    wholeOrg as wholeOrg1 ->  bundle.entry as e27,  e27.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e27.resource = create('Organization') as wholeorganization, = uuid() as uuid4,  e27.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  asorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + then {
                      wholeOrg1 -> wholeorganization.meta as meta then {
                        wholeOrg1 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                          wholeOrg1 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                          wholeOrg1 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                        } "coding";
                      } "meta";
             as id -> wholeorganization.identifier as identifier then {
                        id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                        id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                          wholeOrg1 -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                        } "ext";
                        id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                        id.root as r then {
                          id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e27.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  asorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                        } "r";
                      } "identifier";
             as v -> = (v.other);
                      wholeOrg1.telecom -> wholeorganization.telecom;
                      wholeOrg1.addr -> wholeorganization.address;
                    } "wholeOrg1";
                  } "wholeOrg";
                } "asOrgPO";
              } "asOrgID";
            } "LAOrganiz";
          } "PractitionerLegal";
        } "PractitionerROLlegal";
        // Partita IVA as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') ->  bundle.entry as e251,  e251.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e251.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          entity -> attester.mode = 'official' "mode";
          entity -> organization.meta as meta then {
            entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticatorPartitaIVA' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              entity -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e251.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2), = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
        } "OrgPartitaIVA";
      } "entity";
    } "legalAuth";
  } "LegalAuthenticator";
  // START Authenticator
  src.authenticator as Auth ->  bundle.entry as e28,  e28.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e28.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e28.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
    Auth -> tgt.attester as attester then {
      Auth.time -> attester.time;
      Auth -> attester.mode = 'professional' "mode";
      Auth.assignedEntity as entity -> = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
        entity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        entity ->  bundle.entry as e29,  e29.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e29.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner, = uuid() as uuid2,  e29.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner' + then {
          entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
            entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e29.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' +;
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
 as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
          entity.addr -> practitioner.address "address";
          entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
          entity.assignedPerson as person then {
   -> "personName";
            person.birthTime as birthTime then {
              birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimeauth";
            } "birth";
          } "person";
        } "practitioner";
        entity.representedOrganization as reporganization ->  bundle.entry as e30,  e30.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e30.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          reporganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
            reporganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              reporganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              reporganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              reporganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e30.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as v -> = (v.other);
          reporganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          reporganization.addr -> organization.address;
          reporganization.asOrganizationPartOf as organizationpartof ->  bundle.entry as e31,  e31.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e31.resource = create('Organization') as asOrganizationpartof then {
            organizationpartof -> asOrganizationpartof.meta as meta then {
              organizationpartof -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                organizationpartof -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                organizationpartof -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> asOrganizationpartof.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                organizationpartof -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e31.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            organizationpartof.code -> asOrganizationpartof.type;
            organizationpartof.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
            organizationpartof.wholeOrganization as wholeorg ->  bundle.entry as e32,  e32.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e32.resource = create('Organization') as wholeOrganization, = uuid() as uuid5,  e32.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  asOrganizationpartof.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + then {
              wholeorg -> wholeOrganization.meta as meta then {
                wholeorg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeorg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeorg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> wholeOrganization.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeorg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e32.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  asOrganizationpartof.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
     as v -> = (v.other);
              wholeorg.telecom -> wholeOrganization.telecom;
              wholeorg.addr -> wholeOrganization.address;
            } "wholeorg";
          } "organizationpartof";
        } "reporganization";
      } "entity";
    } "attester";
  } "Auth";
  src.participant as participant where (typeCode != 'IND') then {
    participant.associatedEntity as associetedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e313,  e313.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e313.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e313.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1 then {
      // participant.time as time->participant1.period as period ,period.start=(time.value);
      participant -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then {
        participant.time as time -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time, start);
      } "period";
      participant as p -> participant1.type as type then {
        p -> type.coding as coding then {
          p -> coding.code = (p.typeCode) "codice";
          p -> coding.system = '' "system";
        } "codeType";
      } "type";
      participant ->  participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + "par";
      participant.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
      associetedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e33,  e33.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e33.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        associetedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          associetedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            associetedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            associetedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e33.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' +;
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2"; as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        associetedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        associetedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        associetedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        associetedEntity.associatedPerson as associatedperson then {
          associatedperson.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
          } "birth";
        } "name";
        associetedEntity.scopingOrganization as scopingOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e34,  e34.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e34.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          scopingOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
            scopingOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              scopingOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              scopingOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              scopingOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e34.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as v -> = (v.other);
          scopingOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          scopingOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
          scopingOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e35,  e35.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e35.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
   as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
              OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e35.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = true;
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e36,  e36.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e36.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
              wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e36.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
     as v -> = (v.other);
              wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
              wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "wholeOrgan";
          } "OrgPartOf";
      } "associetedEntity";
    } "Participant1";
  src.participant as participant where (typeCode = 'IND') then {
    participant.associatedEntity as associetedEntity where (classCode = 'PROV') ->  bundle.entry as e313,  e313.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e313.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e313.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant2 then {
      // participant.time as time->participant2.period as period, period.start=(time.value);
      participant -> participant2.period = create('Period') as period then {
        participant.time as time -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time, start);
      } "period";
      participant as p -> participant2.type as type then {
        p -> type.coding as coding then {
          p -> coding.code = (p.typeCode) "codice";
          p -> coding.system = '' "system";
        } "codeType";
      } "type";
      participant ->  participant2.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + "par";
      participant.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
      associetedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e33,  e33.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e33.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        associetedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          associetedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            associetedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            associetedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e33.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' +;
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2"; as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        associetedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        associetedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        associetedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        associetedEntity.associatedPerson as associatedperson then {
          associatedperson.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
          } "birth";
        } "name";
        associetedEntity.scopingOrganization as scopingOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e34,  e34.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e34.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          scopingOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
            scopingOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              scopingOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              scopingOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              scopingOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e34.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as v -> = (v.other);
          scopingOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          scopingOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
          scopingOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e35,  e35.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e35.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
            OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
              OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e35.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = true;
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e36,  e36.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e36.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
              wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e36.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
     as v -> = (v.other);
              wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
              wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "wholeOrgan";
          } "OrgPartOf";
      } "associetedEntity";
    } "Participant2";
    participant.associatedEntity as associetedEntity where (classCode = 'NOK') or (classCode = 'ECON') or (classCode = 'CAREGIVER') then {
      associetedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e3131,  e3131.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e3131.resource = create('RelatedPerson') as RelatedPerson, = uuid() as uuid1,  e3131.fullUrl = append('https://example/RelatedPerson/', uuid1),  request.url = 'RelatedPerson' then {
        associetedEntity -> as link then {
          associetedEntity -> link.type = 'refer' "type";
          associetedEntity ->  link.other = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/RelatedPerson/' + "reference";
 -> RelatedPerson.identifier;
          associetedEntity ->  RelatedPerson.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
          associetedEntity.code -> RelatedPerson.relationship;
          associetedEntity.telecom -> RelatedPerson.telecom;
          associetedEntity.associatedPerson as associatedperson then {
        } "link";
      } "participant3";
    } "WHERE";
    participant.associatedEntity as associetedentity where (classCode = 'GUAR') then {
      associetedentity.scopingOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e37,  e37.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e37.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
        representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
          representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        associetedentity.code -> organization.type;
        associetedentity.scopingOrganization as scopingOrganization then {
 as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            participant.time as time then {
              time.high as high -> identifier.period as period then {
                high -> period.end = (high.value) "periodend";
              } "period";
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              associetedentity -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1,  e37.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1),  patientResource.generalPractitioner = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as v -> = (v.other);
          scopingOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          scopingOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
          scopingOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e38,  e38.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e38.resource = create('Organization') as organizationPOF then {
            OrgPartOf -> organizationPOF.meta as meta then {
              OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organizationPOF.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e38.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organizationPOF.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e39,  e39.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e39.resource = create('Organization') as organizationW then {
              wholeOrgan -> organizationW.meta as meta then {
                wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organizationW.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e39.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  organizationPOF.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
     as v -> = (v.other);
              wholeOrgan.telecom -> organizationW.telecom;
              wholeOrgan.addr -> organizationW.address;
            } "wholeOrgan";
          } "OrgPartOf";
      } "associetedEntity";
    } "repOrg";
  src.inFulfillmentOf as inFulfillmentOf then {
    inFulfillmentOf.order as order ->  bundle.entry as e40,  e40.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e40.resource = create('ServiceRequest') as serviceRequest, = uuid() as uuid1,  e40.fullUrl = append('https://example/ServiceRequest/', uuid1),  request.url = 'ServiceRequest',  encounter.basedOn = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/ServiceRequest/' + then { -> serviceRequest.identifier;
      order -> serviceRequest.status = 'active' "status";
      order -> serviceRequest.intent = 'order' "intent";
      order ->  serviceRequest.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
      order ->  serviceRequest.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + "reference";
      order.code -> serviceRequest.code;
      order.priorityCode as priorityCode then {
        priorityCode.code as v -> serviceRequest.priority = translate(v, '#priority', 'code') "priority";
  src.documentationOf as docOf then {
    docOf.serviceEvent as serviceEvent -> tgt.event as event then {
      serviceEvent.code -> event.code "eventCode";
      serviceEvent.effectiveTime as effectiveTime then {
        effectiveTime -> event.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, period) "period";
      } "eventDT";
      serviceEvent.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -> event.period = create('Period') as period then {
        effectivetime1 -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(effectivetime1, start) "val";
      } "efft";
      serviceEvent.performer as performer ->  bundle.entry as e41,  e41.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e41.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e41.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
        performer ->  event.detail = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
          performer.assignedEntity as assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e42,  e42.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e42.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
            assignedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
              assignedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                assignedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                assignedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            performer.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
            assignedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
   as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e42.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "2";
   as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "diverso";
            assignedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
            assignedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
            assignedEntity.assignedPerson as person then {
              person.birthTime as birthTime then {
                birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
              } "birth";
            } "name";
            assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
              representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
                representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
     as v -> = (v.other);
              representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
              representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
              representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
                OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                  OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
       as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
                OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
                OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
                OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10,  e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
                  wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                    wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                      wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                      wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                    } "coding";
                  } "meta";
         as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                    id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                    id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                      wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                    } "ext";
                    id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                    id.root as r then {
                      id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                    } "r";
                  } "identifier";
         as v -> = (v.other);
                  wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
                  wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "RepresentedOrganization";
          } "AssignedEntity";
        } "performer";
      } "docOf";
  src where src.componentOf.exists().not() ->  tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + then ClinicalDocumentEncounter(src, bundle, encounter, patientResource) "encounterExist";
  src.componentOf as comp then {
    comp where comp.encompassingEncounter.exists().not() ->  tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + then ClinicalDocumentEncounter(srcEnc, bundle, encounter, patientResource) "enc";
    comp.encompassingEncounter as srcEnc ->  tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + then ClinicalDocumentEncounter(srcEnc, bundle, encounter, patientResource);
  } "encompassingEncounter";

group ClinicalDocumentRelatesTo(source src : parentDocument, target tgt : composition) { -> tgt.identifier;
  src.code -> tgt.type;
  src.setId -> tgt.identifier;
  src.versionNumber as vNumber -> tgt.extension as ext then ChExtEprVersionNumber(vNumber, ext) "versionNumberEXT";

group EXTbirthplace(source src : AD, target ext : Extension) {
  src -> ext.url = '' "url";
  src -> ext.value = create('Address') as value then ADAddress(src, value) "value";

group ClinicalDocumentPatientRole(source src : PatientRole, target tgt : Patient, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src.addr -> tgt.address;
  src.telecom -> tgt.telecom;
  src.patient as patient then { ->;
    patient.administrativeGenderCode as gender then {
      gender.code as v -> tgt.gender = translate(v, '#cm-v3-administrative-gender', 'code') "gender";
    } "gender";
    patient.birthTime as birthTime then {
      birthTime.value as date -> tgt.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
    } "birth";
    patient.deceasedInd as deceased where (value = 'false') ->  tgt.deceased = create('boolean'),  tgt.deceased = false "deceasedBL";
    patient.deceasedInd as deceased where (value = 'true') then {
      patient.deceasedTime as Time -> tgt.deceased = create('dateTime') as deceasedTime then TSDateTime(Time, deceasedTime);
    patient.deceasedTime as Timet where Timet.empty() ->  tgt.deceased = create('boolean'),  tgt.deceased = true "deceasedBL";
    patient.maritalStatusCode -> tgt.maritalStatus "maritalStatus"; as guardian then {
      guardian.guardianPerson as person ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e.resource = create('RelatedPerson') as relatedPerson, = uuid() as uuid1,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/RelatedPerson/', uuid1),  request.url = 'RelatedPerson' then { ->;
        person.birthTime as birthTime then {
          birthTime.value as date -> relatedPerson.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
        } "birth";
        person ->  relatedPerson.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
        person -> as link then {
          person -> link.type = 'refer' "type";
          person ->  link.other = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/RelatedPerson/' + "reference";
          guardian.addr -> relatedPerson.address;
          guardian.telecom -> relatedPerson.telecom;
 -> relatedPerson.identifier;
          guardian.code -> relatedPerson.relationship;
        } "person";
      guardian.guardianOrganization as guardianorg ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e1.resource = create('Organization') as organizationcontact then {
        guardianorg -> organizationcontact.meta as meta then {
          guardianorg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            guardianorg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            guardianorg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/guardian/guardianOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        guardianorg -> as contact then {
          guardianorg ->  contact.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "OrganizationContact";
 as id -> organizationcontact.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              guardianorg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as v -> = (v.other);
          guardianorg.telecom -> organizationcontact.telecom;
          guardianorg.addr -> organizationcontact.address;
          guardianorg.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Organization') as organizationpartOf then {
            OrgPartOf -> organizationpartOf.meta as meta then {
              OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/guardian/guardianOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            OrgPartOf ->  organizationcontact.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "asorganization";
   as id -> organizationpartOf.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organizationpartOf.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = 'true';
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeORG ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as WholeOrganization then {
              wholeORG -> WholeOrganization.meta as meta then {
                wholeORG -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeORG -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeORG -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/guardian/guardianOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              wholeORG ->  organizationpartOf.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "asOrganization";
     as id -> WholeOrganization.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeORG -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
     as v -> = (v.other);
              wholeORG.telecom -> WholeOrganization.telecom;
              wholeORG.addr -> WholeOrganization.address;
            } "WholeOrganization";
          } "OrganizationPartOf";
        } "contact";
      } "guardianorganization";
    patient.birthplace as birthplace then { as place then {
        place.addr as address -> tgt.extension as ext1 then EXTbirthplace(address, ext1) "birthplace";
    src.providerOrganization as org ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e4.resource = create('Organization') as providerorganization then {
      org -> providerorganization.meta as meta then {
        org -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
          org -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
          org -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/providerOrganization' "code";
        } "coding";
      } "meta"; as id -> providerorganization.identifier as identifier then {
        id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
        id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
          org -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "ext";
        id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
        id.root as r then {
          id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  tgt.managingOrganization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "reference";
        } "r";
      } "identifier"; as v -> = (v.other);
      org.telecom -> providerorganization.telecom;
      org.addr -> providerorganization.address;
      org.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOfProvider ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e5.resource = create('Organization') as organizationpartOfprovider then {
        OrgPartOfProvider -> organizationpartOfprovider.meta as meta then {
          OrgPartOfProvider -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            OrgPartOfProvider -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            OrgPartOfProvider -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/providerOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> organizationpartOfprovider.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            OrgPartOfProvider -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid6,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid6),  providerorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "asorganization";
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        OrgPartOfProvider.code -> organizationpartOfprovider.type;
        OrgPartOfProvider.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = 'true';
        OrgPartOfProvider.wholeOrganization as wholeORGproveder ->  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e6.resource = create('Organization') as WholeOrganizationprovider then {
          wholeORGproveder -> WholeOrganizationprovider.meta as meta then {
            wholeORGproveder -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              wholeORGproveder -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              wholeORGproveder -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/providerOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          wholeORGproveder ->  organizationpartOfprovider.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + "asOrganization";
 as id -> WholeOrganizationprovider.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              wholeORGproveder -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid7,  e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid7);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as v -> = (v.other);
          wholeORGproveder.telecom -> WholeOrganizationprovider.telecom;
          wholeORGproveder.addr -> WholeOrganizationprovider.address;
        } "wholeOrganizationprovider";
      } "OrganizationPartOfprovider";
    } "organization";

group CustodianOrganization(source src : CustodianOrganization, target tgt : Organization) { as v -> = (v.other);
  src.telecom -> tgt.telecom;
  src.addr -> tgt.address;

group ClinicalDocumentEncounter(source src : EncompassingEncounter, target bundle : Bundle, target encounter : Encounter, target patient : Patient) { -> encounter.identifier;
  src.code as code1 -> encounter.class = create('Coding') as coding then {
    code1.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
    code1.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, '', 'uri');
    code1.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
  } "class";
  src where src.code.exists().not() -> encounter.class = create('Coding') as coding then {
    src -> coding.code = 'AMB' "code";
    src -> coding.system = '' "codeS";
    src -> coding.display = 'ambulatory' "display";
  } "NonCodeclass";
  src ->  encounter.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + "reference";
  src -> encounter.status = 'finished' "status";
  // effectiveTime=period
  src where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
    src.effectiveTime as eff -> encounter.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
  } "where";
  // effectiveTime = time-stamp
  src where effectiveTime.low.exists().not() or effectiveTime.high.exists().not() then {
    src.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -> encounter.period = create('Period') as period then {
      effectivetime1 -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(effectivetime1, start) "val";
    } "efft";
  } "where";
  // src.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -> encounter.period as period, period.start=(effectivetime1.value);
  src.dischargeDispositionCode as dischargeDispositionCode then {
    dischargeDispositionCode -> encounter.hospitalization as hospitalization then {
      dischargeDispositionCode -> hospitalization.dischargeDisposition "disDisp";
    } "disposition";
  } "discharge";
  src.responsibleParty as responsibleParty -> encounter.participant as participant then {
    responsibleParty.assignedEntity as entity ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  participant.individual = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + then {
      entity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
      entity ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e1.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' +;
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2"; as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        entity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        entity.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimeENC";
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "practitioner";
      entity.representedOrganization as raporg ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Organization') as rapresentedorganization then {
        raporg -> rapresentedorganization.meta as meta then {
          raporg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            raporg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            raporg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        // -> rapresentedorganization.identifier; as id -> rapresentedorganization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            raporg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as v -> = (v.other);
        raporg.telecom -> rapresentedorganization.telecom;
        raporg.addr -> rapresentedorganization.address;
        raporg.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization1, = uuid() as uuid4,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  rapresentedorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + then {
          // -> organization1.identifier;
          OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
            OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  rapresentedorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
          OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = true;
          OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
            // -> organization2.identifier;
            wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
              wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
   as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
   as v -> = (v.other);
            wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
            wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
          } "wholeOrgan";
        } "OrgPartOf";
      } "organization";
    } "entity";
  } "particpant";
  src.encounterParticipant as participant then {
    participant.assignedEntity as assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e313,  e313.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e313.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, = uuid() as uuid1,  e313.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1 then {
      // participant.time as time->participant1.period as period ,period.start=(time.value);
      participant -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then {
        participant.time as time -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time, start);
      } "period";
      participant as p -> participant1.type as type then {
        p -> type.coding as coding then {
          p -> coding.code = (p.typeCode) "codice";
          p -> coding.system = '' "system";
        } "codeType";
      } "type";
      participant ->  participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + "par";
      participant.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
      assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e33,  e33.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e33.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        assignedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assignedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assignedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assignedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e33.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' +;
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2"; as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        assignedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assignedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        assignedEntity.associatedPerson as assignedPerson then {
          assignedPerson.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
          } "birth";
        } "name";
        assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e34,  e34.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e34.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
            representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant/scopingOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e34.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as v -> = (v.other);
          representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
          representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e35,  e35.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e35.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
   as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
              OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e35.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = true;
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e36,  e36.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e36.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
              wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e36.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
     as v -> = (v.other);
              wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
              wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "wholeOrgan";
          } "OrgPartOf";
      } "assignedEntity";
    } "Participant";
  src.location as Location then {
    Location.healthCareFacility as HCF ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e5.resource = create('Location') as loc then {
      HCF -> loc.meta as meta then {
        HCF -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
          HCF -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
          HCF -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility' "code";
        } "coding";
      } "meta";
      HCF -> encounter.location as locations then { as id -> loc.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            HCF -> request.url = append('Location?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid6,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Location/', uuid6),  locations.location = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Location/' + "locc";
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        HCF.code -> loc.type;
        HCF.location as srcLocation then {
 as v -> = (v.other);
          srcLocation.addr -> loc.address;
        } "location2";
        HCF.serviceProviderOrganization as servProvOrg ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e.resource = create('Organization') as serviceProviderOrganization then {
          servProvOrg -> serviceProviderOrganization.meta as meta then {
            servProvOrg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              servProvOrg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              servProvOrg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility/serviceProviderOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
 as id -> serviceProviderOrganization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              servProvOrg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid),  loc.managingOrganization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
 as v -> = (v.other);
          servProvOrg.telecom -> serviceProviderOrganization.telecom;
          servProvOrg.addr -> serviceProviderOrganization.address;
          servProvOrg.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrgPartOf then {
            asOrgPartOf as asOrgPartOf1 ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e1.resource = create('Organization') as asorganization then {
              asOrgPartOf1 -> asorganization.meta as meta then {
                asOrgPartOf1 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  asOrgPartOf1 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  asOrgPartOf1 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility/serviceProviderOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
     as id -> asorganization.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  asOrgPartOf1 -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1),  serviceProviderOrganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              asOrgPartOf1.code -> asorganization.type;
              asOrgPartOf1.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') -> = create('boolean'), = 'true';
              asOrgPartOf1.wholeOrganization as wholeOrg then {
                wholeOrg as wholeOrg1 ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Organization') as wholeorganization then {
                  wholeOrg1 -> wholeorganization.meta as meta then {
                    wholeOrg1 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                      wholeOrg1 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                      wholeOrg1 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility/serviceProviderOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                    } "coding";
                  } "meta";
         as id -> asorganization.identifier as identifier then {
                    id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
                    id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                      wholeOrg1 -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                    } "ext";
                    id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                    id.root as r then {
                      id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  asorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
                    } "r";
                  } "identifier";
         as v -> = (v.other);
                  wholeOrg1.telecom -> wholeorganization.telecom;
                  wholeOrg1.addr -> wholeorganization.address;
                } "wholeOrg1";
              } "wholeOrg";
            } "OrganizationPartOfprovider";
          } "asOrg1";
        } "SPO";
      } "hcf";
    } "location1";

group ClinicalDocumentationOf(source src : representedOrganization, target tgt : organization, target bundle : Bundle) { ->;
  src.telecom -> tgt.telecom;
  src.addr -> tgt.address;
  src.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrganizationPartOf then {
    asOrganizationPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
      asOrganizationPartOf -> organization2.meta as meta then {
        asOrganizationPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
          asOrganizationPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
          asOrganizationPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
        } "coding";
      } "meta"; as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
        id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
        id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
          asOrganizationPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "ext";
        id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
        id.root as r then {
          id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid),  tgt.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' +;
        } "r";
      } "identifier";
      asOrganizationPartOf.code -> organization2.type;
      asOrganizationPartOf.statusCode where (value = 'active') -> = 'true';
      asOrganizationPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization3 then {
        wholeOrganization -> organization3.meta as meta then {
          wholeOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            wholeOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            wholeOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta"; as id -> organization3.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, '', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            wholeOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext -> = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1),  organization2.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1);
          } "r";
        } "identifier"; -> organization3.identifier; ->;
        wholeOrganization.telecom -> organization3.telecom;
        wholeOrganization.addr -> organization3.address;
    } "organizationPartOf";
  } "creation";

group ChExtEprVersionNumber(source src : INT, target ext : Extension) {
  src -> ext.url = '' "url";
  src.value as v -> ext.value = cast(v, 'string');

group ClinicalDocumentOrganization(source src : CustodianOrganization, target tgt : Organization) { -> tgt.identifier; as v -> = (v.other);
  src.telecom -> tgt.telecom;
  src.addr -> tgt.address;